Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Garden

 My garden has really come alive the past few weeks.  The peas, which I started from seed, are now taller than me, and there are some little pea-pods forming.

The cucumbers are starting to get some nice leafs on them, as are the water melons and honey dew, but I'm not yet sure if I'll have any success due to all the fungi issues I had last year.
The corn seems to grow some every day.
I have two sets of beans--black beans and green beans.  The are a lot of green beans growing right now.  The black beans have a lot of green, but I've never done these before, so I'm not sure when to exact the beans to form.

The broccoli is actually doing quite well.  I had to put up some chicken wire because it seemed the broccoli leaves were being eaten; now, there is some good growth.  Hopefully we will get a stalk or two before it gets too hot.
There are probably 20 or so blackberries that have formed, and I'm trying to keep the birds away from them, but I think it might just be a matter of time before they figure out how to get at the fruit.

Not sure when I will start harvesting, but it should be soon.  I think the peas will be the first things picked.  I also planted some tomato plants, some pepper plants, and some basil, so hopefully come June, we'll have some fresh food to eat.  Pleasant day to all.

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