Tuesday, May 11, 2021

County Swim Meet

 The final middle school swim meet of the year was this past weekend.  Bode swam four events--two relays, the 200-yard free, and the 50-butterfly.  There were swimmers from all the local middle schools attending--the meet was the "county" championships.  Bode did great.  He placed third in the 200-free and fourth in the 50-fly.  I think a number of the boys that beat him were 8th graders, so next year, Bode might get up on the podium :-)

First, here are some shots of Bode just relaxing before the meet.

Next, we have Bode swimming the 200.  He took three seconds off his personal best times (and note the boys that got first and second were very fast and very strong swimmers).
Finally, here's a video of Bode swimming the 50-fly.  He swam it in 29.6, which is another personal best for him.  The boy that won this race is just a freak of nature.  I think he's only been swimming for nine months (compared to seven years for Bode), and the kid is just amazingly fast.
We are very proud of how hard Bode has worked, and we are also grateful that we don't have to get up at 0430 morning anymore :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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