Saturday, May 15, 2021

Spring Orchestra

Bode had his spring orchestra concert yesterday.  The kids sounded amazing, and they looked so professional all dressed up.  We snapped a quick photo of Ashley, Mom, and Bode when we got there, but failed to get one of JoAnne and Frank (they arrived shortly after we did and Bode had already left to prepare).

The venue was a very nice church out in Destin, and the acoustics were very good.  Here is a picture of Bode warming up--you can only see his head right in the middle of the stage.
The group opened with Romeo and Juliet by Tchaikovsky.  This is a rather long piece and has a wide range of emotions.
Next, they played March to the Scaffold by Berlioz; the clarinet solo at the ending if very beautiful.
I think the next piece was their best--the theme from Rocky along with some parts of Gonna Fly Now, Fight from the Heart, and Eye of the Tiger.  Sadly, the memory card on my camera filled up before the song ended.

Finally, they finished with some parts of The Firebird Suite by Stravinsky.

Afterwards, we took a picture of Bode with Aaron.  

Two years ago, we took a similar picture.  As Aaron says, "Bode sure has gotten taller."

This ends the spring performance season.  Bode will continue to practice over the summer, and maybe I'll work with him on some scales, because I know how much he likes that :-)  Pleasant weekend to all. 

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