Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Petersons

We had the pleasure of hosting Jon, Shelly, Brendan, and Cody Peterson for the past couple days.  Jon and I went to high school together.  We met back in 1989--almost 26 years ago.  It's crazy to think it's been that long.  Even crazier is this year is Jon and Shelly's 20th anniversary.  Congrats to them.  We didn't do anything spectacularly exciting--dinner, the pool, talking about old times.  The weather really cooperated, so we were able to sit outside and reminisce.
Bode loved that Cody slept in the same room.  He also loved the fact Cody shares the same birthday as him (albeit being born a few years before).  I wish I had taken more pictures--I guess we were having such a good time at the pool that no one remembered to snap some pics.  Oh well--I can vividly picture JP going down the water slide and doing a hydro-plane as he hit the water.  Good times.  I did get a picture of Clan Peterson with Bode as they were heading out.
The garden project continues.  My hands have been so tired, and I never knew how tired hands could get.  I didn't think there were muscles to get sore, but I exhausted something stirring cement and putting up posts.  I didn't realize Bode had the camera and was taking pictures, so here is a very rare action shot of me doing work.  Where's Ashley?
There's only one post up in this picture.  I think I'm up to five posts in the ground, and I even have some of the fencing attached.  Note the boxes.  You might being thinking, "That's some really poor construction, even for Jeff."  I concur.  I nailed together some boxes out of scrap wood just to give me an idea of how things would look.  My plan is to do some nicer boxes when the project is done (or better yet, ask Mr. Frank to do some when he's here in August for a visit!)  Bode took some other pictures when he had the camera.  Evidently he likes taking pictures of the dogs' butts.  I have six or seven close-ups of dog-ass.  Lovely.  Since this is a family sight, I won't post them :-)

Bode is such an amazing swimmer.  We love the fact even though he's only four feet tall, we can hang out together in the five-foot deep section of the pool (it's not near as crowded).  He still does Beginner Stroke Clinic two times a week.  Coach Danny really works them.  Here's a movie of Bode doing some flutter kicks on dry-land.  Little man needs to work on his core strength.
Coach Danny also makes them do push-ups.  I don't think Bode gets his chest to the ground, but he's trying super hard.
Today was a lot of laps and lung-busters.  Here's Bode finishing one set--he looks fantastic!
Finally, here's a picture of Bode with Coach Danny.  Coach Danny is such a great coach--he's really pushed Bode and helped him a ton.
I'm off from work for the next two weeks!!!  How cool is that?!?

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