Sunday, July 20, 2014

SV Part V

The water has been a crucial part of our daily activities.  We've been fortunate to have good weather.  Only one day did we have a lot of rain, but by the afternoon, things had cleared up which made for a very pleasant evening.  The boys have been swimming at least once but usually twice (but not thrice) per day.  It doesn't take much to convince them to get in the water.  The Rankins purchased some inner tubes, and the boys love playing "bumper boats" in them.
The Rankin's neighbor, Mr Ted and Miss Barb, were kind enough to offer up their pool.  The boys certainly could not turn down this invitation.  Here are some pool action shots.  The dog, McGuire, belongs to Ted and Barb.  He's the sweetest thing and loves the water more than the boys.
Below is a movie of McGuire playing fetch.  I think it's cute watching dogs swim.
The highlight of the water games has to have been the waverunner.  Ted and Barb have been nice enough to let us use theirs.  Tons of fun.  We've all taken turns.  The boys aren't quite old enough to go on their own so an adult has to drive them around.  Here's a shot of Teddy and Dave.
After a spirited ride, it was Bode's turn.
Even JoAnne and Frank took a turn.
It's hard to top a waverunner when it comes to bringing out everyone's inner child.  Ashley took a turn as well, but I didn't get any photos.  At some point, Dave took Teddy all the way over to Crab Island, which is quite a haul on a waverunner.  Even Charlie got in on the action.  I gave him a ride, and he kept wanting to go faster and faster.  I'm sure we'll take it out again given the opportunity.  But sometimes, the boys just had fun looking at the fish and crabs swimming beneath the dock.
I could probably post more pictures, but I think you get the idea.  There's only so many shots of three boys in knee-deep water that are interesting, even if they are your own kids :-)  On deck:  Dinner with the Cooks.

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