Friday, July 18, 2014


We started Day III of our summer vacation with a morning jog.  I always like running in Florida--it's flat, and the oxygen is so prevalent.  David and I ran over Brooks Bridge and down Okaloosa Island. We didn't break any land speed records, but it was nice to be out running.  When we returned, the boys were ready to do some swimming.  Charlie was geared up with his snorkel and mask...
while David and Teddy had to do some minor equipment repairs.
It was a glorious morning.  Even Ashley got in the water, but I'm sure she thought it could have been warmer.  Note her security guards kept me from getting too close--she doesn't want any Kate Middleton-like shots leaking to the public.
The boys had a wonderful time swimming, trying to catch fish in these little nets, and having a crab race.  This entailed Ashley catching a lot of little crabs, setting them up on the beach, and the first crab in the water won.  Not quite a NASCAR race, but exciting.
I spent some quality time lounging in an inner tube, away from the kids' clatter.
After a nice lunch at home, we went to the Goofy Golf.  I think my camera had a smudge on the lens, because I'm noticing all the pictures look a little blurry.  Hopefully I can get this fixed before tomorrow.
The boys could not be contained and took off on their own.  I'm not sure who kept score or who won, but they seemed to be having a good time.
Ashley, David, Jason, and I played a highly competitive round.  Here's Jason on my favorite hole, The Frog's Butt:
At the final hole, the goal is to get the ball into the snake's mouth.  If you do, you win a free game.  Teddy surprised us all by doing just that.  No one else managed this very rare albatross-like feat.  Here was Jason's attempt.
Afterwards, we posed for some pictures in front of the T-rex and the totem pole.
I must add Ashley was the big winner, trouncing her nearest competition by four strokes.
I'm sure we'll head back for a second go-around (I must have ESP if I can predict that!).  Next post:  The Tobiks!

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