Friday, July 25, 2014

SV Epilogue

We have made it back to Colorado Springs.  We had a fabulous time in Fort Walton Beach.  We tried to take some family photos on the dock before we headed to the airport.  Bode and I were in a goofy mood when we took these.
We convinced Mommy to come out to the heat...
and we had Papa take one of the family.
And then we all got a little goofy...
Of course, we had to take a final sweet one with Papa.
Another summer vacation has come and gone.  We like Colorado, but it's different.  A few examples:  We did a lot of Crossfit while in Florida.  After each workout, our shirts were drenched.  We did a Crossfit workout this morning.  Not even damp.  This is not to say we weren't sweating.  It's simply the humidity, and unlike 99% of the population, we enjoy the muggy stuff.  Another example:  We went to Gunther Tooty's for dinner.  As we headed out to the car, I was thinking, "It will be nice to get outside and warm up."  Wrong on that one.  I wish I had brought a coat.  During our nine days in FWB, I don't think I was ever cold (unless you count being inside a restaurant that had the AC set on absolute zero).  We all have the weekend to rest and relax.  I'm sure I'll continue to push the garden project, and we need to get back into the habit of doing choirs like cleaning the house and buying groceries (blah).  One thing we must do is go school shopping.  Bode has a little more than three weeks until he starts first grade.  Crazy.  Pleasant weekend to all.

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