Saturday, July 19, 2014

SV Part IV

We went to Stacey and Tim Tobik's home for dinner on Thursday night.  Tim and I go way back to 1997, which doesn't seem that long ago in my head, but when you say, "We met 17 years ago," it sort of takes my breath away.  I was a young second lieutenant while Tim was a program manager at the Fuze Branch.  Fast forward those 17 years and Tim is now the head-honcho at the Fuze branch while I still have lieutenant in my title :-)  We had a lovely evening of pizza, drinks, ice-cream sandwiches, and swimming, but not exactly in that order.  Tim and I sat on the patio him and his son, Carter, built.
Here is a shot of Stacey and me, and the Tobik's daughter, Marlee (note the correct spelling--I've been spelling it wrong for the past eleven years).
You might be wondering why we weren't looking at the camera.  Bode and Carter were gearing up for a race in the pool.  Here are some action shots.  Although the race was close, Carter eked out the win.
After the Tobik Olympiad, it was time for some ice cream.  Obviously this next picture is taken post-sandwich.
That goofy thing on Bode's head is some game Bode and Carter were playing.  I'm not sure of the object, but it seemed to entail throwing a velcro ball at the other person's head and getting it to stick.  Such an old-school game!
We had a lovely evening with the Tobiks.  We do hope their year gets a little better.  Evidently Stacey had to have a blood transfusion.  She's had some blood clots and other scary issues, and we can only hope they are on the happier side of these things.  It was great seeing them again and we have vowed to see them before Marlee graduates from high school.  This is still seven years away, but I know how quickly the past seventeen years have gone :-)  Next post:  The Wave Runner!

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