Tuesday, July 22, 2014


David, Teddy, and Charlie had to leave on Monday.  Bode was sad--"Why does Uncle Dave have to go back to Denver?" he asked in that pitiful little voice that was wondering where his buddies had gone.  To ease some of the pain, we went out to a movie and saw the new Planes movie.  Bode liked it.  I think we did too--some funny lines.  The plot was decent, but I'm not thinking it will be nominated for any Oscars next February.  I'm sure Bode was worried he'd be stuck with just Mommy, me, Nana, and Papa.  We are all fun people, but since we're also over four-feet tall, we probably aren't categorized as great playmates in Bode's eyes.  Fortunately, the Bledsoes happened to be vacationing in Destin this week.  Ashley went to college with Dave, which means both are Auburn alum, so we are subject to a cacophony of, "Wareagle," and "Well, Wareagle to you!" and all that crap, I mean, school spirit.  Dave married Cathy, an ugh-guh girl (UGA spelled phonetically), which is commonly referred to as a mixed marriage as you get closer to the Tropic of Cancer.  They have two boys, Westin and Keller.  Westin and Bode are the same age, while Keller is four, going on "Keller!  What the f*ck are you doing?!?"  He's quite a handful.  Dave and Cathy both summed it up as follows:  "Keller can be a d*ck."  Evidently he can push Westin's buttons and get him all riled up.  He managed to get Bode crying once, but otherwise, he was a fun, energetic four year old that had a great time in the water.  I, of course, took pictures, although I didn't get any shots of us swimming.  We splashed in the bay for an hour or so and then invaded Ted and Barb's pool for another hour.  Afterwards, we had some food and then sat in the shade.  The boys were trying to catch some fish from the dock, which is an impossible task as they are Chris-Davis-like quick (sigh...another Auburn reference).  Still, it is always fun to watch boys having fun.
I also took a shot of the ladies as they sat and watched.
Note Ashley's sun glasses.  She was in the sun-glass store at the mall.  The clerk was amazed at Ashley's retro-ness.  As Ashley put it, "She's so old, she's now cool again."  Perhaps Santa will bring a new pair of shades for my girl.

Bode's big task for today was to get Mr Dave to watch this Auburn football 2014 hype video.  Bode's favorite song, for some reason, is Thunderstruck by AC-DC.  I have it on my iPod, and every time we go somewhere in the car, he wants to hear it.  Bode also loves watching youtube videos, especially those that contain Auburn football highlights.  It was like Christmas morning when Ashley found this video, which has highlights from 2013 set to Bode's favorite song.  Below is a video of us watching.  I'm not sure how well you can hear the comments from Bode and Westin.  I can assure you, the Auburn propaganda machine has successfully recruited these two into the Auburn fold.
We have one more day of vacation.  I'm sure Ashley and I will try to get in a last workout down here at sea level.  We'll probably just relax, as neither one of us is anxious to get back to work.  Hard to believe but Bode starts first grade in less than four weeks.  Where has the summer gone?

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