Monday, May 29, 2023


Per previous years, we did the Murph workout today...sort of. Bode now has a job working for the base swimming pool, and he had to be at work today at 0845. Ashley's gym was doing Murph at 0900, so we would not be able to make it. Therefore, I decided to do the workout by myself at home. Sadly, the Mrs did not join me--she's complaining about a sore back. I guess we rode one roller-coaster too many while at Universal. What's really crappy is I did Murph faster than I have ever done it, as shown by the clock picture below.

Now, you might be saying just showing the clock isn't proof of your time--and you'd be right. However, you'll just have to take my word on this one :-) Plus, I'm incredibly sore today--I guess taking a week off and eating like a pig for six days prior to doing Murph is not the best way to prepare for this Hero Workout. Hopefully Ashley's back heals up quickly and she is able to get back to working out. Pleasant week to all.

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