Sunday, May 14, 2023

Garden Update

The spring garden is coming in nicely. I planted some things towards the middle of March, and we are now seeing the results. First, some tomatoes. I have some store-bought tomato plants as well as some that have grown from seed. I also have regular tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. All told, there are about 12 pieces of fruit growing right now; hopefully they ripen up before the birds get them.

Next are some green beans. These have come in very nicely, and I think we'll be dining on some later this week. The birds don't really eat the beans, so no real worries here.
The peas have grown like gang-busters. There are all sorts of pods, and most are just about ready to eat. However, I am worried about the heat. Peas don't do well in hot weather, and it's been in the high 80's for almost a week now.
Finally, below are some blackberries. There are covered by a net to keep those pesky birds away. Unfortunately, the net does nothing to stop the bugs :-(
Here's hoping everything survives until the harvest.

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