Sunday, May 14, 2023

Odds and Ends

Nothing major has transpired, but a lot of little things have been going on, so I thought I would summarize things here. First and foremost, Rowdy is now ball-less. We had him neutered a few weeks ago, so he had to spend some time in the cone of shame, which we changed out for the air-pillow of shame.

The little fellow seems unaffected by the loss of his boys--still as Rowdy as ever :-) Bode's swim club also had their annual banquet, which was a very nice event. The coach recognizes the superlatives and the graduating seniors, and then they all posed for a picture. Bode is the third kiddo from the right.
All the kids on the team are great--no real egos or jerks in the bunch, which makes practices that much more fun for everyone. In financial news, we sold the Xterra. We bought the car in December of 2001, so we only had it for 22+ years. I took to Craig's list to sell it, and after filtering out some real weirdos, I found a nice guy from Crestview that was interested. He test drove it, paid cash, and we managed to get the car off our hands before it completely died :-)
Bode had his his first long-course meet of the season this past weekend. Coach didn't taper the team for this meet--he'll probably do that for the big meet up in Auburn towards the end of June. Thus, the times weren't the best, and even Bode said he just felt dead. However, he swam seven events--100 free, 200 butterfly (which Coach Brad made him do), 200 free, 50 free, 100 back (in which he was DQ'd for a bad turn), 100 fly, and 400 free. All times were personal bests, but that's just because he hasn't swum a long-course event in over a year. I did take some pictures--first is Bode doing the 200 fly, which is probably one of the hardest races there is. To make matters worse, he only had five minutes of rest between his 100 free and the start of the fly, so he said he thought he was going to drown.
Next is a shot of Bode doing the backstroke.
I did take a sequence of photos of Bode at the start of his 100 fly.

And with today being Mother's Day, we had to get a picture of Ashley and her boy.
I'm sure we will just rest for the remainder of the day. Standing around a hot-pool deck is exhausting. I can't imagine how tired Bode must be. Pleasant week to all.

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