Saturday, May 27, 2023

Universal Part 2

There aren't as many pictures from Days 2 and 3 of our grand adventure. On Wednesday, we headed over to Volcano Bay, the big water park associated with Universal Studios. I did get this picture before we boarded the bus.

We put our phones in the lockers, so we didn't get any in-park photos. I took this picture as we were leaving. Note the big volcano--there are water slides that go almost all the way to the top. We had never been on slides where they put you in a tube, and then the floor drops out beneath you. Quite exhilarating.
We spent a few hours at the water park, and it was exhausting. You have to climb 200+ steps to get to the big slides, which is great because this line was never crowded :-) We returned to the parks that evening, but I nor Ashley took any great photographs. On Thursday morning, we left the theme park and went to a separate aquatic park, as shown below.
We spent two hours running around, throwing each other into the water, and just goofing off. At the end, we were all exhausted (although Bode had enough energy to do another pool work out that evening). That night, Ashley and I went back to the park to explore some of the smaller areas. She took a great selfie.
We all zonked out Thursday night, which is good, because Friday was a crazy day!

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