Saturday, May 27, 2023

Universal Part 3

On our final day, we woke up early because we wanted to do Hagrid's motorcycle ride before the crowds hit. We left the room at 0700, but we did stop for the obligatory photograph at the entrance.

We also made sure Brendan had a birthday button, because on Thursday, he was celebrating his 15th birthday! Quite the milestone :-) We were near the front of the line, but our plans were foiled because when we got to the ride, we were told it was delayed and there was no time-table for when operations would resume. Sheesh. To cheer us up, we went and rode the VelociCoaster again as well as the Hulk coaster. I took a movie of part of this ride--lots of up-side-down time.
Ashley and I snuck off by ourselves and had lunch, and she got a picture of me in front of the globe.
We then headed back to the room and found the boys resting. Why were they resting, you ask? Because their friends Matias and Eric were showing up at the park around two. The plan was to meet up with them, and they would then close the park down. Bode received a text shortly after 2, and then the extreme fun began. First, here's a picture of a group of teenagers; ah, to be young again.
They rode the coasters and the rides, and even did the tower drop.
I'm not sure if they were on this go or not, but I'll include anyways.
Around 7, Ashley and I started to run out of steam, so the boys went off on their own...kind of. Alice, Eric's Mom, followed them around and sent us some more pictures. The boys did the water rides, and in this picture, you can see Bode getting soaked.
Here is a nice one of the group in front of the castle.
They rode rides until the park closed, but they did manage to get in line for Hagrid's motorcycle adventure before it shut down. Bode and Brendan got back to the room a little after ten, and they were exhausted (I think Ashley and I were still awake, but not by much).

We drove home today and returned to some happy dogs. We had a wonderful time, but Ashley is thankful that Monday is a holiday; she needs the time to recover :-) Happy Memorial Day to all.

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