Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Auburn Swim Camp

Bode is doing a swim camp at Auburn this week. Ashley went up with him and is enjoying her time at her alma mater. The camp started Sunday night; Ashley went, and she was lucky enough to meet Rowdy Gaines, 3-time Olympic gold medalist (1984) and fellow Auburn graduate.

The first night of the camp, everyone had to swim three races in order to determine their group placement. Ashley said Rowdy was on the deck, cheering all the kids on. There were 20 lanes going, and Bode won his one race, which I think is pretty cool, winning in front of an Olympic champion :-) Here is a picture of Bode after the swim standing behind Rowdy.
Amazingly, Rowdy brought one of his gold medals; here is Bode holding it.
Bode also got some swag signed by Rowdy.
Later in the week, Tyler McGill came and talked to the group. He won a gold medal at the 2012 Olympics in the 4 x 100 meter relay. He was nice enough to bring his medal and let the kids hold it.
One of the coolest things Bode did was have his butterfly recorded and analyzed in order to help him get faster. Here is a link to the video and the analysis.
I have been VERY busy while Ashley and Bode have been gone...some pickleball and some light reading. The dogs have also been very busy.
Bode and Ashley come back on Thursday. I guess I better clean the house :-)

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