Thursday, December 31, 2020

Final Post of 2020

 It what seems like the longest year ever, 2020 has finally drawn to a close.  I wish I could say it was a great year, but I think we all know otherwise.  Still, we had some great times together and some wonderful experiences which I won't delineate here.  As always, we will show Bode's school picture to mark his progress through the years.

We were a little disappointed that neither of us remembered to tell Bode to not wear his zombie shirt on picture day, but despite not having on a nice shirt, the photo is a pretty good one of the kid.  Bode is now just a scosh taller than Ashley, and he's tipping the scales at just over 135 pounds--he's a very solid young man.  He's really starting to look like a teenager--he's no longer our cute little boy; it seems like only yesterday that Bode was in kindergarten...

If you are looking for a good book to read, I did self-publish a book I wrote on Amazon.  It is available for Kindle and you can also order paperbacks on demand.  You can get to the Amazon page using this link.
I guess it wouldn't be 2020 if we didn't end the year with some somber news.  Joey has multiple tumors in his abdomen and on his skin.  One is on a kidney and another is on his lymph nodes.  Obviously this is not good news, and the prognosis is not great.  However, we are not giving up, so yesterday, Ashley took Joey to the Auburn University small animal clinic oncology department.  He spent the day undergoing tests and other things.  They took samples of the tumors and once we get the pathology results, we will hopefully have a treatment plan.  Until then, Joey is getting spoiled and a lot of love from all of us.  He even got a new favorite pillow.
Like most, we will hope 2021 brings better times and catchier rhymes.  Happy New Year to all!

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