Friday, January 1, 2021

Sub Tropical Plunge

 As has been the long-standing McGuirk tradition going all the way back to the 1850's (more like 2019), Bode and I did our version of the polar plunge.  Even though the air temperature was in the 60's, the water was still quite cold with the newspaper saying the Gulf temperature is 62.  I don't know how people do this into water that is near freezing because 62-degree water felt like ice.

Bode and I posed for the traditional pre-plunge picture showing off our Covid physiques.

Sadly, Ashley failed to get an actual movie of the plunge.  She was taking the movie, but then for some reason didn't think we were going to jump, so she stopped the movie, at which point we both jumped into the water, so she then tried to start again, but only got Bode jumping up in the freezing water.
One of these years we'll get Ashley to do this with us.  We told her that Auburn lost today in their bowl game because she didn't do the plunge with us; I don't think she believes us :-)  Happy 2021 to all!

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