Sunday, December 6, 2020

Orchestra Recital

 The Gulf Coast Youth Symphony had a concert today.  It was outdoors, and the weather cooperated--a little chilly and only 65 or so, but it wasn't windy, which was critically important.  Before the concert, I tried to get Bode to pose for a picture with Ashley, but he's really being a pain when it comes to picture taking; it must be the teenager in him.

Even though the concert was outdoors, the symphony administrative team wanted the students to wear masks due to the rise in Covid numbers.  Bode wasn't thrilled by this decision, but he didn't complain.  I was a little disappointed that he wouldn't wear a red Christmas hat, but that's just more of that lovely teenager obstinance shining through.

They played a total is six songs.  I recorded most of them, but first, here's a picture of Bode in mid-stroke.
Below are the videos of some of the songs.  I don't know the name of this first song, but it's a pretty catchy tune.  It reminds me of a Harry-Potter song--I don't think it is from that soundtrack, but it sounds like something that was played during a scene at Hogwarts.
The next song was probably the hardest song in the repertoire.  They performed Waltz of the Flowers, and they did amazingly well.  
They finished with Ukrainian Bells, and I think they sounded great.
After the concert, they got everyone together for a picture.
Nana and Papa came out for the concert, and it was great to see them.
We also took a picture with the three of us; per the theme of this post, Bode was less-than-helpful with regards to the picture taking.
We don't have much going on tonight.  Ashley is making chicken and dumplings, so we'll be eating well.  Joey is acting like he's starving, but the two dogs can't be hungry because I fed them early this morning, and then Ashley didn't realize I had fed them, so the dogs got second breakfast.
Such an innocent face...but I'm sure the wheels are turning in his head while he schemes his next caper.  Pleasant week to all.

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