Saturday, December 26, 2020

Happy Christmas

 Christmas has come and gone, and we had a wonderful holiday.  A couple days before the big day, Jon, Meghan, and Bridget came for a visit.  They were the first visitors to stay in the carriage house, and thankfully, they survived the night no worse for the wear.  We had a lovely day with them and managed to take some pictures before they headed back to Orange beach.

We (Ashley, Bode, and I) went miniature golfing the day before Christmas Eve.  Amazingly, Bode got another first shot into the snake's mouth while neither Ashley nor me could repeat the feat.  We lazed around the next couple days eating too much and watching movies.  Then, on the big night we listened to Christmas music (well, I listened; Bode played his computer while Ashley read), but we were together and that's what matters.  We put out cookies for the big man and I snapped a picture of the tree.
Despite all the Covid restrictions, Santa found our house and left tons of loot.  Before the carnage, we snapped some pictures.
We received tons of great gifts.  Bode got a burrito blanket from the Albuquerque clan which he's wrapped himself in for warmth due to the chilly weather here.
Ashley got a really cool painting of the Tiger Walk.
The big present was a new gaming computer for Bode.  Here's a movie of him unwrapping it.
We all got so many great presents and we had a wonderful morning.  After the gift carnage, we then cooked a big meal for lunch.  We had Ashley's parents and her brother and his family over for dinner.  We made ribs, pulled pork, chicken wings, and everyone brought sides.  We ate until we burst and then ate some more.  We did take time to grab a picture of Ashley with her parents.
We also watched Wonder Woman 1984, which was quite entertaining.  Today, Ashley and I moved stuff from our garage out to the carriage house.  The great migration has begun!  And we (well, Ashley did most of it) found time to do a puzzle.
Obviously, it was a 1980's movie theme.  We've no big plans for the rest of the weekend other than more food and maybe try to go running.  Pleasant day to all.

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