Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Extra Stuff

Here are some odds and ends that should have been posted before along with a couple of new items.

I was able to get the videos of me wakeboarding from Ashley's phone.  I don't look near as smooth as Ashley does when she's boarding, but at least there's no evidence of me falling :-)  First, a nice picture of Ashley and me; I don't think Ashley had her phone set up correctly because the wording on my shirt is reversed.

Next we have a short movie of me getting started.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, our newspaper published a huge crossword puzzle--700+ across and down clues.  Ashley and I did it...in pen!  Of course, that just means we had to mark out a lot of our errors, but we were very pleased with how much we did--we didn't even cheat and use the internet!
Bode's orchestra will be giving two performances this month.  To prepare, Bode had to submit a virtual edition of him playing parts of Waltz of the Flowers.  Here's Bode playing--I don't think he likes one part because his fingers are not quite dexterous enough.  We tell him he needs to practice more :-)
It's freezing here!  Literally--the temperature on my car dash said 29 degrees this morning--Fahrenheit!  We might have to consider moving further south :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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