Thursday, December 31, 2020

Final Post of 2020

 It what seems like the longest year ever, 2020 has finally drawn to a close.  I wish I could say it was a great year, but I think we all know otherwise.  Still, we had some great times together and some wonderful experiences which I won't delineate here.  As always, we will show Bode's school picture to mark his progress through the years.

We were a little disappointed that neither of us remembered to tell Bode to not wear his zombie shirt on picture day, but despite not having on a nice shirt, the photo is a pretty good one of the kid.  Bode is now just a scosh taller than Ashley, and he's tipping the scales at just over 135 pounds--he's a very solid young man.  He's really starting to look like a teenager--he's no longer our cute little boy; it seems like only yesterday that Bode was in kindergarten...

If you are looking for a good book to read, I did self-publish a book I wrote on Amazon.  It is available for Kindle and you can also order paperbacks on demand.  You can get to the Amazon page using this link.
I guess it wouldn't be 2020 if we didn't end the year with some somber news.  Joey has multiple tumors in his abdomen and on his skin.  One is on a kidney and another is on his lymph nodes.  Obviously this is not good news, and the prognosis is not great.  However, we are not giving up, so yesterday, Ashley took Joey to the Auburn University small animal clinic oncology department.  He spent the day undergoing tests and other things.  They took samples of the tumors and once we get the pathology results, we will hopefully have a treatment plan.  Until then, Joey is getting spoiled and a lot of love from all of us.  He even got a new favorite pillow.
Like most, we will hope 2021 brings better times and catchier rhymes.  Happy New Year to all!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Happy Christmas

 Christmas has come and gone, and we had a wonderful holiday.  A couple days before the big day, Jon, Meghan, and Bridget came for a visit.  They were the first visitors to stay in the carriage house, and thankfully, they survived the night no worse for the wear.  We had a lovely day with them and managed to take some pictures before they headed back to Orange beach.

We (Ashley, Bode, and I) went miniature golfing the day before Christmas Eve.  Amazingly, Bode got another first shot into the snake's mouth while neither Ashley nor me could repeat the feat.  We lazed around the next couple days eating too much and watching movies.  Then, on the big night we listened to Christmas music (well, I listened; Bode played his computer while Ashley read), but we were together and that's what matters.  We put out cookies for the big man and I snapped a picture of the tree.
Despite all the Covid restrictions, Santa found our house and left tons of loot.  Before the carnage, we snapped some pictures.
We received tons of great gifts.  Bode got a burrito blanket from the Albuquerque clan which he's wrapped himself in for warmth due to the chilly weather here.
Ashley got a really cool painting of the Tiger Walk.
The big present was a new gaming computer for Bode.  Here's a movie of him unwrapping it.
We all got so many great presents and we had a wonderful morning.  After the gift carnage, we then cooked a big meal for lunch.  We had Ashley's parents and her brother and his family over for dinner.  We made ribs, pulled pork, chicken wings, and everyone brought sides.  We ate until we burst and then ate some more.  We did take time to grab a picture of Ashley with her parents.
We also watched Wonder Woman 1984, which was quite entertaining.  Today, Ashley and I moved stuff from our garage out to the carriage house.  The great migration has begun!  And we (well, Ashley did most of it) found time to do a puzzle.
Obviously, it was a 1980's movie theme.  We've no big plans for the rest of the weekend other than more food and maybe try to go running.  Pleasant day to all.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Award Winning Decorations

 After months of campaigning and charges of illegal votes being counted, the Poquito Bayou Homeowners Association has awarded our house for having the most whimsical theme for the 2020 holiday season.  How exciting is that!?!  I just wish I knew what it meant.

We woke up this morning and found the below sign in our front yard.

We figure the port-o-pot had to have clinched things for us :-).  I took a movie of the light show for our house.  I don't know if the movie accurately presents the whimsicalness of the decorations.

There is this one house in our neighborhood that went crazy with the lights.  I'll have to take a picture of it, both in the daylight and in the evening just to show the sheer density of their decorations.

Carriage House

 I believe it is done! Sort of.  There is just some touch-up painting that needs to be done, as well as some other tiny things, but as of yesterday, we started moving things from our current garage to the carriage house.  We are very pleased with how it turned out.  First is a shot from the front.

We are very pleased with how the driveway entrance turned out--the brick looks fantastic.
Next are some shots of the garage interior.  We had the floor stained grey, and we think it turned out great.

The stairs look very cool.  Ashley and Tim (the guy that did the finishing) came up wit a real neat idea for the railing.
Not much has changed with the upstairs; all we need now is some furniture.
This is Ashley's work-shop.  She hopes to restart her framing business, and this will be the headquarters of what will soon be a global framing operation.

We did go out today and get a bed and mattress for the upstairs, so we should be ready for visitors.  All are welcome to come anytime you wish :-)

Final Performance

 The Youth Symphony had their final performance of this year.  They were at the Destin Harborwalk, and it was a very lovely venue.  

Here's a shot from above when the orchestra was getting ready to warm up.
I think the music stands are really nifty with their lights.  The concert was the same as the concert a few weeks ago, but I did record the songs.  First is a song with just the strings from the orchestra.
I also recorded March of the Dwarfs, which is the name of the Harry-Potterish song from the first concert.
It was a beautiful concert, and we are all very pleased Bode opted to participate in the symphony this semester.  He wasn't big on wearing masks as the practices, but Aaron (the conductor) helped convince Bode everything would be fine, which it was.  We look forward to the spring concerts, which should be much warmer ;-)  However, we are also looking forward to some down time to just relax and hang out.

Friday, December 18, 2020


The Meigs Middle School Band had a couple performances this month.  The first was when they marched in the Fort Walton Beach Holiday parade.  This was at night, and they marched up Eglin Parkway, one of the main thoroughfares through town.  It was rather chilly, and we were very glad we dressed in our hats and mittens.  The pictures didn't turn out all that great, but I'll include them just for posterity.  First, here's Ashley in the middle of Eglin Parkway.

Here is one of JoAnne and Frank; we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the band.

Here's a shot of the band as they walked past--you can't really see Bode in the picture, but we saw him and cheered like crazed rock fans just to irritate him :-)
The next big event was the winter concert, which was last night.  There are four bands that are part of the Meigs Band:  the Beginner Band, the Concert Band, the Jazz Band, and the Symphonic Band.  Bode is part of the Symphonic Band, which is the band for the more experienced players (he is also part of the football band, which is a combination of the Concert Band and the Symphonic Band).  I snapped this picture of Bode when he was up on stage setting up.  It's not a great picture, but it's the only still-frame I got.
It was great to hear some live holiday music.  Below are the recordings of the three pieces.  I apologize for the video on the last piece--not sure why it was so blurry.  You can't see Bode in any of the movies because the trumpets are near the back, but anytime you hear a trumpet portion, be assured that Bode is playing.
The final piece was called Secret Agent Santa, and it was really cool.
Today is Bode's last day of school for the year, and I'm done as well.  I think Ashley is working today, but after that, she'll start to throttle back.  We hope to spend the weekend moving some items out to our new carriage house! Pleasant day to all.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Orchestra Recital

 The Gulf Coast Youth Symphony had a concert today.  It was outdoors, and the weather cooperated--a little chilly and only 65 or so, but it wasn't windy, which was critically important.  Before the concert, I tried to get Bode to pose for a picture with Ashley, but he's really being a pain when it comes to picture taking; it must be the teenager in him.

Even though the concert was outdoors, the symphony administrative team wanted the students to wear masks due to the rise in Covid numbers.  Bode wasn't thrilled by this decision, but he didn't complain.  I was a little disappointed that he wouldn't wear a red Christmas hat, but that's just more of that lovely teenager obstinance shining through.

They played a total is six songs.  I recorded most of them, but first, here's a picture of Bode in mid-stroke.
Below are the videos of some of the songs.  I don't know the name of this first song, but it's a pretty catchy tune.  It reminds me of a Harry-Potter song--I don't think it is from that soundtrack, but it sounds like something that was played during a scene at Hogwarts.
The next song was probably the hardest song in the repertoire.  They performed Waltz of the Flowers, and they did amazingly well.  
They finished with Ukrainian Bells, and I think they sounded great.
After the concert, they got everyone together for a picture.
Nana and Papa came out for the concert, and it was great to see them.
We also took a picture with the three of us; per the theme of this post, Bode was less-than-helpful with regards to the picture taking.
We don't have much going on tonight.  Ashley is making chicken and dumplings, so we'll be eating well.  Joey is acting like he's starving, but the two dogs can't be hungry because I fed them early this morning, and then Ashley didn't realize I had fed them, so the dogs got second breakfast.
Such an innocent face...but I'm sure the wheels are turning in his head while he schemes his next caper.  Pleasant week to all.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Extra Stuff

Here are some odds and ends that should have been posted before along with a couple of new items.

I was able to get the videos of me wakeboarding from Ashley's phone.  I don't look near as smooth as Ashley does when she's boarding, but at least there's no evidence of me falling :-)  First, a nice picture of Ashley and me; I don't think Ashley had her phone set up correctly because the wording on my shirt is reversed.

Next we have a short movie of me getting started.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, our newspaper published a huge crossword puzzle--700+ across and down clues.  Ashley and I did pen!  Of course, that just means we had to mark out a lot of our errors, but we were very pleased with how much we did--we didn't even cheat and use the internet!
Bode's orchestra will be giving two performances this month.  To prepare, Bode had to submit a virtual edition of him playing parts of Waltz of the Flowers.  Here's Bode playing--I don't think he likes one part because his fingers are not quite dexterous enough.  We tell him he needs to practice more :-)
It's freezing here!  Literally--the temperature on my car dash said 29 degrees this morning--Fahrenheit!  We might have to consider moving further south :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Teenager!

 Bode is now an official teenager--no more of this tween crap.  He's a full-fledged adolescent, but despite the new age, he's still a pleasant person to be around. We started the day with the opening of the presents.  Bode was thrilled when he received an Oculus 2.

Ashley spent a good portion of the day making a three-layer Neapolitan cake.  She didn't do ice-cream this year, which was great because that meant I got to eat some.  She made all three layers from scratch and even made the icing.  Here is a look at the finished product.
I managed to get Bode to pose for a picture with me.  This was far from easy, as Bode seems adverse to having his picture taken now that he's a teenager.
We then got the cake set up for the singing of the birthday song.
As always, Ashley and I carry a perfect tune.
Bode's wish, sadly, was not granted as Auburn lost a close one to Alabama 42 - 13.  We did sample the cake and gave our critique similar to Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith from The British Baking Show.

Note the well-defined layers--chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.  The texture is moist and fluffy.  Well done, and if I were Paul, I would have shaken Ashley's hand, which is the highest compliment he gives).

It's a bit rainy today, so we'll spend it indoors.  Perhaps we'll get the Christmas decorations out of mothballs or maybe we'll do some cyber shopping.  Pleasant week to all.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Bode Playing Beat Saber

 We've posted previous videos of Bode playing Beat Saber.  This video is the same with a twist.  Bode figured out how to stream his Oculus headset to his computer so he is able to rewatch his games.  It's pretty neat, although I think he likes it more than I do.  After about thirty seconds, it all looks the same to me, but Bode is really into it, so I'll watch as many videos as he will make.

He did tell me that in the recording, there is a lag between the video and the audio, so the moves might not match up.  He can tell the difference.  I cannot.  In terms of video games, this one is quite a work-out.  We are going to get a shirt made for Bode that says "Body by Beat Saber" because after he has played for awhile, he complains about how sore his shoulders are :-)

Friday, November 27, 2020

Ashley AARP

 Today was Ashley's FIFTIETH (50) birthday.  She's filled out her AARP application and has her Amazon account to auto-reorder her hair-dye which is shipped in by the crate :-)  To celebrate, we went water-skiing, and everyone agreed Ashley was the hottest-looking 50-year old on the lake.  As always, we took a lot of pictures.  First, here's a nice one of Bode--little man is looking so grown up these days.

We even got him to pose for a picture with his mother.
Bode took the first run of the day.  He didn't do any slaloming; he said he wanted to work on his wake-crossing.  First, some pictures.
Next is a movie of the little man coming by the dock.
Next, we have Ashley starting on one of her runs.
She did quite well and looked awesome zooming around the lake.
We did get a good movie of Ashley drinking some lake water.
Afterwards, I took a picture of me and Ashley on her big day.
I wake-boarded as well, but I think all the pictures are on Ashley's phone.  I'll try to get some and post at a later date.  When we got home, we feasted on more turkey and ham, and then we did the obligatory singing of Happy Birthday after having paid the appropriate royalties to the Jackson estate.  Note the lovely cake that Bode and I baked.
We'll finish this birthday post with a picture of my two favorite people.
Tomorrow, Bode becomes an official teenager.  God help us :-)