Sunday, July 24, 2011

SV Part VII: Tree Top

Callaway has a big, seven-acre vegetable garden. They grow all sorts of things: tomatoes, okra, beans, peppers, apple trees, squash, grapes, blackberries, and probably lots of things I've forgotten. There's a sign that says not to pick and eat the produce. However, there was no sign saying anything about the produce that had fallen off :-) Here is a cute shot of Bode and Mommy.
Next is a shot of the boys running around. The beauty of the vegetable garden was the wide open spaces for the boys to take off running.
One evening, Dave, Kathy, Ashley, and I did the Treetop Adventure. This involved harnesses, safety clips, and helmets. Scary. Basically, it was a course about 15 feet off the ground in the trees. There were obstacles and zip lines--tons of fun. The boys watched from below, constantly telling Mommy and Daddy to, "Be careful!" It was very cute. Here's a shot of Dave and Kathy before the course. I know it's before because afterwards, we were all covered in sweat.
Next, we had Ashley and me.
Below are some action photos. First, here I am crossing a bridge.
Next we have Ashley and me on a platform.
Here are Dave and Kathy going over some obstacles.
Finally, here is Kathy on a zip line.
The Treetop Adventure was awesome. We all had a great time and would do it again in a heartbeat.

One more post from SV forthcoming...

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