Sunday, July 24, 2011

SV Part V: Golf and Duck-Duck

There are two golf courses at Callaway. One of them (the Mountain Course) is very challenging. In fact, ten years ago, it was home to the PGA's Buick Open. There is also the Lake Course, which is very beautiful, very scenic, but not as hard (although there is water in play on the majority of the holes). We played the Lake Course because Ashley and I hadn't played in a year, I don't know when the last time David played, and Frank said it had been something like a half dozen years for him. Needless to say, we hit the links with low expectations.

Here are shots of the various players before we teed off. First up is David.
Next is Frank.
Finally we have Ashley. Can she ever not wear Auburn gear?
Now, down to business. We actually played pretty well, but there's no need to post the scores, as those don't really add to the story :-) I did get some good action photos. First, here's Ashley right as she's contacting the ball. Is that Tim Tebow playing (google "Tebow golf swing" and you'll see the picture I'm talking about)?
Next is a good picture of Dave's backswing. Note the "straight" left arm...
Finally, some movies. First is Ashley hitting a nice drive.
Next is Dave going over the water.

The round of golf was very enjoyable, and we have Nana and Kathy to thank for watching the kids while we were gone for half the day.

The evenings at Callaway were just as fun as the days. We'd usually gather at Nana and Papa's cabin for dinner. Sometimes we'd do ice cream (ok, always). The kids would then entertain themselves, running around outside, laughing, and simply doing what kids do. One night, Chelsea, Cricket, and Calley taught Bode and Teddy how to play Duck-Duck-Goose. It was hilarious to watch. I tried to get some pictures, but they don't do justice to the fun the little ones had.

Duck, duck
Duck, duck...
I also got this short video.
Next up: water activities and more golf (the miniature kind).

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