Saturday, July 23, 2011

SV Part II: My Kind of Camping

As I said in a previous post, we went to Callaway Gardens, which is in Pine Mountain, Georgia (about an hour south of Atlanta for those that are geographically challenged). It has all the feel of being outdoors camping without actually having to go camping. Here are a couple of pictures of the cabins we stayed in. Very peaceful and very tranquil.
The first shot is of the front of the cabin. The next is a picture of the road leading to it. You can't tell, but there are cabins sprinkled all through the woods (our group had four in a row). There are quaint little porches, both screened-in and not. Ashley spent the most of her time in the screened porch because she's to mosquitos like Sookie Stackhouse is to Vampires (watch True Blood and you'll understand. Bottom line is she gets bit. A lot. I do not. Evidently I have bad tasting blood. Good to know). The best part of the "rustic" cabins is they have cable TV, running water, kitchens, and wifi. Like I said, my kind of camping.

This next picture is of one of the lakes. This lake has some boats for water skiing, and a significant beach area for sunning and swimming and Aqua Island (more on that in a later post).
The are bike paths and jogging paths going through the entire property. One morning, Ashley ran 10 miles (yes, 10--she's tough). You could also rent bikes. Here's are a couple pictures of Ashley and Bode going for a ride.
It is hard to tell, but Bode is screaming mad in the first picture. I think he was crying in all the pictures shown above. It took him some time to enjoy the bike ride: "It's too fast!" he'd scream. But at some point in the rides, he'd start noticing things and forget that he was scared. Ashley really liked going for bike rides with Bode-man.

Next up: The circus and the flying Ash-ley-ney.

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