Saturday, July 23, 2011

SV Part III: Circus Tricks

The Florida State University Flying Circus performs at Callaway Gardens. They also teach at the camps, and show the kiddos how to do various stunts. We went to one of the free shows. Bode really liked it. Here we are arriving at the big tent.
Next is just a shot of the various pieces of equipment the gymnasts used during the show.
It was impressive, more so now than then because Ashley and I actually tried our hands at the trapeze. We each got three turns to swing from the trapeze and release into a backflip. Just the swinging from the bar is a rather exhausting exercise. Here are some action photos. First we have Ashley getting into position.
Next is a shot of her in mid-flight. She's up pretty high. Fortunately, there is a safety net and also safety cables on our harnesses.
Finally, here are some movies of Ashley in action. The first, she doesn't quite make it around. The second is much better. In both videos, you can hear Bode in the background making comments and oohing and ahhing.
Not to be outdone, I had to try my hand at this. Here I am reaching for the bar. Just grabbing the bar without falling was a challenge.
Next, here's a good video of me. I didn't include the one swing where I grossly under-rotated. As editor of this blog, I have creative control over content.
Sadly, Ashley and I were exhausted after our three swings. We could have signed up for an hour lesson, and they would have taught you a trick and catch by a second trapeze, but I don't think we had the stamina for it. Yes, pitiful, we know.

Up next: The demise of Dougie the Flat.

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