Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Summit County Day 4

Our final day on the mountain, and it was simply lovely.  Crystal clear blue skies, and temperatures in the 40's.  We started early, and headed over to the Mercury Chair.  Here's Bode coming in to the lift area.
We headed to the top, and stopped to admire the scenery.
We then headed over to Peak 10.
We had to figure out which run to take...both options were very exciting.
On one of the rides up the lift, Bode and I said we'd do Grits (one of the runs) on the way down.  The moguls didn't look too bad from the air.
Sadly, we chickened out when we saw them on ground-level--very big and very steep.  We skied four or five runs on Peak 10 before stopping for a break.  Ashley was nice enough to take a picture of Bode and me.
When we went to use the restroom, the woman's area was closed.  Thus, there were attendants shuttling both sexes in and out of the men's bathroom.  Only the stalls were allowed to be used.  Thus, Ashley got to go in the men's bathroom.  As we said afterward, "The family that pees together stays together." :-)

We then headed over to Peak 8.  I took a movie of Ashley and Bode skiing down the best part of the mountain.
We then took Frosty's Access to E-Chair. 
I took a selfie on the chair ride back to Peak 9...quite the view.
Before heading down for the last time, I took one last picture of Bode with the mountains in the background.
After skiing, we ate lunch at Fatties, which adequately describes how we all feel after all the food we've eaten this week.  We also sat in the hot-tub and tonight, we'll try to catch a movie on TV.  We head back down to C-Springs and Denver tomorrow before flying home on Friday.  Pleasant day to all.

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