Monday, March 9, 2020

Summit County Day 1

We decided to take a little spring vacation--we wanted to spend some time in the airports due to the Corona virus :-)  My spring break is this week; Bode's is the following week, so the little man gets an extended break from school.

We flew into Denver on Friday and stayed with David (Ashley's brother).  He was nice enough to feed us some pizza after a long trip.  The next day, we went for lunch before heading up to the mountains.
We got to our condo and just hung out.  Sunday morning, we woke up and headed to A-basin, where we met up with David, Teddy, and Charlie.  The boys were all excited to ski.
Ashley then took some selfies with her two favorite adult males.
It was time to head to the lifts--once again, Bode demonstrated some remarkable enthusiasm.
We got to the top and admired the view--we hadn't seen snow in awhile :-)
After some runs, we headed inside for some refreshments and relaxation.
Bode wasn't feeling all that great--he had a headache and didn't feel himself.  I think it was the lack of oxygen--we had spent a number of months at sea level, and the rapid ascent to 10,000 feet was taxing.  We got him a hit of oxygen in a bottle.
The oxygen helped him feel better, but I could tell he wasn't himself.  We ended around 1230 and came back to the condo.  We decided to sit in the condo's hot-tub.  Before leaving, I said, "Should I bring the camera?"  Ashley and Bode said, "No, there's nothing interesting to take pictures of."  Famous last words.  A mama moose and her baby moose (two meese! (sic)) came walking by--fortunately, there was a fence between us.  The other people that were there were all taking pictures...sadly, I have nothing to show :-)

We ate at Mi Casa (one of our old haunts) and turned in early--I think the skiing and the daylight savings time change took its toll on us.  More skiing tomorrow!

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