Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Little Boredom

We are all stuck at home, but we did have a busy day.  Bode helped me put chicken wire around two of my garden plots, and we also sprayed the cucumbers for fungi.  We have a good start to this season's crops.  In the first plot, we have four solid rows of peas forming and some corn starting to show.  No sign yet of the broccoli or the tomatoes (I started both from seed).
I have a lot of potatoes and cucumbers that are really growing.  Plus, I have my seven strawberry plants, and I already see some little strawberries forming.
My blackberries are really coming in.  Sadly, I don't have a net over them, and I worry some birds are going to feast. 
The progress on the carriage house continues.  We had the trusses installed on Friday, so I believe work on the second floor should start tomorrow.
Bode has one more week until his online study programs begins.  We're trying to keep his chops sharp by having him do some online math programs, and he is practicing his music on a daily basis.  We are working out (at home) and trying to stay fit.  Here's hoping we stay healthy and sane :-)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Summit County Epilogue

We had a wonderful time in Summit County.  We returned home on Friday, 13 March.  On Saturday, 14 March, all ski resorts in Colorado were closed due to the Corona virus.  We feel very fortunate that we were able to ski and return home safely, yet we also sympathize with those that tried to ski this week only to have their vacations cut short. 

Bode is off school for the next two weeks, and it could be longer depending on how things go.  I prepared for the end of the world today by planting my garden.  I planted some corn, tomatoes, peas, and broccoli in the first bed.  Note I also put up a bird net--got to protect the crop!
Earlier in February, I planted some cucumbers, potatoes, and strawberries.  All are progressing nicely.
The blackberries and blueberries from last year survived and are really blooming; the raspberry vines all seemed dead, so I cut them out.
Here's hoping for a good crop--we might need the food come June :-)

The carriage house is going great.  All work that can be done up to this point has been accomplished.  We are now waiting on the trusses, which will support the second floor.  These should be delivered and installed this week.
Not much else to report; today was supposed to be Selection Sunday for the NCAA tournament...with no sports on TV, perhaps I'll watch a Flash with Bode :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Summit County Day 4

Our final day on the mountain, and it was simply lovely.  Crystal clear blue skies, and temperatures in the 40's.  We started early, and headed over to the Mercury Chair.  Here's Bode coming in to the lift area.
We headed to the top, and stopped to admire the scenery.
We then headed over to Peak 10.
We had to figure out which run to take...both options were very exciting.
On one of the rides up the lift, Bode and I said we'd do Grits (one of the runs) on the way down.  The moguls didn't look too bad from the air.
Sadly, we chickened out when we saw them on ground-level--very big and very steep.  We skied four or five runs on Peak 10 before stopping for a break.  Ashley was nice enough to take a picture of Bode and me.
When we went to use the restroom, the woman's area was closed.  Thus, there were attendants shuttling both sexes in and out of the men's bathroom.  Only the stalls were allowed to be used.  Thus, Ashley got to go in the men's bathroom.  As we said afterward, "The family that pees together stays together." :-)

We then headed over to Peak 8.  I took a movie of Ashley and Bode skiing down the best part of the mountain.
We then took Frosty's Access to E-Chair. 
I took a selfie on the chair ride back to Peak 9...quite the view.
Before heading down for the last time, I took one last picture of Bode with the mountains in the background.
After skiing, we ate lunch at Fatties, which adequately describes how we all feel after all the food we've eaten this week.  We also sat in the hot-tub and tonight, we'll try to catch a movie on TV.  We head back down to C-Springs and Denver tomorrow before flying home on Friday.  Pleasant day to all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Summit County Day 3

Ashley and I thought we'd get a bit of a respite while skiing with Bode today.  We were wrong.  He's quite the little skier--I don't know if I can go fast enough for his liking :-)  The weather wasn't quite as nice today as yesterday, as there was less sun.  Still, we had a great time.  Bode started the day with his usual enthusiasm.
We then headed to the top of the Mercury Chair.
After a few runs, we headed over to Peak 10--Bode liked the "Experts Only" sign in front of the Falcon Chair lift.  I guess he didn't realize he fell in this category :-)
Here's Bode getting ready to go down Volunteer, a black diamond--not quite a double black diamond, but still challenging and fun.
We then stopped for a quick break--we're trying to drink a lot of water to stave off the head-aches; the side effect is a lot of peeing.  Ashley took a nice picture of Bode and me, and note how the sun is trying hard to come out.
We then headed over to Peak 8.  Once again, I stopped to take some pictures of my favorite part of the mountain as Ashley and Bode skied down--not quite as picturesque with the clouds, but still very nice.
Finally, we took the Peak 8 super-connect up, and headed up 6-Chair to above treeline.  It was a little messy up there.
We skied for about two and a half hours, and covered over 12,000 vertical feet.  Bode was a joy to ski with--he even commented that I was going too slow.  Around 11:00, the crowds started to show up, so we packed up and headed over to Downstairs at Eric's for lunch.  We stopped for a nice picture of Bode and Ashley--note the boy still won't wear a jacket.
After Eric's, Bode had to play some skeet-ball at the arcade.  I think he'd spend his whole day there if he could...
After lunch, we hung out in the hot-tub, and, sadly, I took a little nap :-)  We will try one more ski-day tomorrow.  Bode says he's up for it--I sort of hope he's tired, as I wouldn't mind sleeping in!  Pleasant day to all.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Summit County Day 2

We had a wonderful second day in Summit County.  We woke up early and went skiing.  Bode was still feeling a little under the weather, so we let him sleep (I think he's fine--just being a lazy bum).  Ashley and I had a great day skiing together.  We got there when the lifts opened and headed up Quicksilver.  We were hoping Falcon Chair would have been open, but it wasn't quite ready, so we did a ride up Mercury and stopped for a picture.
We had an awesome run to start--first tracks in about three inches of snow--wonderful conditions.  We then headed over to Falcon Chair, and did three or four runs there.
After spending some time on Peak 10, we headed over to Peak 8.  I think the below picture is my favorite part of this mountain.
For the final runs of the day, we headed up 6-Chair to just above treeline.  We weren't feeling the Imperial lift, as it looked a little scary.
After skiing, we headed over to the pool and the hot-tubs.  I brought my camera today; sadly, no moose.
Bode and I were swimming in the pool, and I asked Ashley to take some pictures.  She somehow took one-second movies for each shot...
We then did an escape room.  We managed to find Big Foot and successfully completed the room :-)
I forgot to post this picture before we left--the carriage house is really coming along!
It will be neat to see how much progress there is when we get home...but before that, we have more skiing to do!  Pleasant day to all.