Friday, May 31, 2019

End of Elementary School

Bode's school had some end-of-the-year activities for the soon-to-be-sixth graders.  They were all honored with the "continuation" certificates and other awards.  Here's Bode lined up, ready to head across the stage.  In seven more years, he'll be in a cap-and-gown (knock on wood).
Next is the movie of Ms Stoffel reading Bode's accomplishments.
Afterwards, Bode wanted a picture with Ms Stoffel.
Today was the last day of school.  Here's Bode in the morning with Barkley as he heads off to Longwood for the last time.
Longwood has a neat little celebration they do for the 5th graders.  All the other kids and teachers line the halls, and the 5th graders walk through one last time.
After the final walk, the kids had a little party in their classroom.
After the party, Ashley and I walked out with him.  Here's Bode heading home on his last day as an elementary school student.
As a reminder, here was Bode walking home from his first day of kindergarten almost six years ago...
Little man is no longer the little man... :-(  We will probably go out for a celebratory dinner tonight--can't believe we now have a middle-schooler in our house!

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