Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sinfonietta Performance

Bode's string sinfonietta had their spring performance today.  They played three songs, and sounded pretty good.  Since we were all gussied up, we posed for some pictures.
Here's a great one of Bode that we just lucked into getting.  He looks like such a big kid...err...young man.
Here's another good one of Bode and Ashley.
We even managed some take a picture of Bode and me, although in all of them, I look like I have a stick shoved up my a*s.
After some last minute instruction from Mr King Vaughn (the conductor), the kids were ready to play.  It's hard to see Bode in any of the movies--he's in the middle left, but he's always behind someone's head.  Still, the music is very nice.
Afterwards, we got a picture of Bode with Mr King Vaughn.
Mr King Vaughn just completed his master's degree in music; we are hopeful he will be offered the full-time position as director of children's music for Sinfonia Gulf Coast, but we do know he is getting other offers :-(

Bode and I had a great morning--we took the wave-runner out, and we were able to watch some dolphins for about ten minutes.  I didn't bring a camera with me, but you'll have to trust me when I say it was very neat to see.  Plus, I let Bode drive around for a bit, which he seems to love.

The corn continues to grow--I spotted some little cornlings starting to grow--maybe corn by the end of June!!!  Pleasant week to all.

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