Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Corn

The garden has been exploding.  I "thinned" the corn so I now have five rows of five stalks.  They are doing great--not corns yet, but perhaps in another two weeks.
The cucumbers, watermelons, and potatoes are also doing quite well.
When I thinned the corn, I transplanted some of the weaker stalks to various places in the garden.  I figured they die due to the shock, but they have surprised me and are starting to thrive.
The green beans, peas, carrots, and lettuce are all doing great--I had to put up a lattice on which the peas can grown.
The tomato plants have also shot up.  I also have a couple peppers growing on my pepper plants.
The only things we've eaten from the garden are some blackberries.  We picked up when they turned black, but I think we need to let them sweeten up a bit more before we pick them.  There are seven or eight more growing right now, so hopefully we can be a little more patient and let them ripen.  Here's hoping for a bountiful harvest in the next few months.

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