Sunday, July 16, 2017

Callaway #5

Thursday was Bode's last day in the park (he went home with Papa and Nana to Florida on Friday morning).  Thus, we did the one event we all enjoyed the most:  boating.  As soon as we were in the water, Bode was ready to ski.  He did awesome, again causing the instructor to fall as soon as he got up, but staying up on his skis for an entire trip around the lake.
Little dude was exhausted when he finally let go.  Ashley then decided to try her hand at skiing.  Not having done it in a number of years, she showed no signs of rust and popped right up.
After Ashley skied, I did my pitiful attempt at water sports and knee-boarded (which is the easiest of all activities short of just tubing).  Still, I had a lot of fun.
After I was done, Ashley proved why she's simply the coolest Mommy in the world and tried her hand at wake-boarding.  She'd never done it, so she had an instructor in the water with her.  She got up on her first try and did awesome.  In the second picture below, you can see the instructor.  After Ashley was done, he did some awesome tricks (e.g. a flip)...very cool.
We had an incredible time at Callaway.  On Friday morning, we said good-bye to Bode (and were quite sad).  He headed down to Fort Walton with JoAnne and Frank.  He'll be back in Colorado in about a week.
Ashley and I were on our own on Friday.  We went for a nice kayak ride in the morning, and then we went for some golf.  Note the green grass--it's amazing how green things get when it actually rains.
We were sad to leave Callaway, but we know we will go back.  Fortunately, on Saturday, we went to quite possibly the greatest place in the world....

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