Monday, July 10, 2017

Callaway #1

We are in the midst of summer vacation.  Rather than wait til the end, I have decided to do some posts mid-vacation.  This saves me time when I get home trying to remember all the cool things we did.  Sadly, I've (again) been remiss with my camera duties.  We flew into Atlanta on Thursday--not one picture from the plane!  I'm slipping in my old age.  Thursday night, we stayed with the Bledsoes (David, Kathy, Westin, and Keller), and had a wonderful dinner.  The boys played outside--in the rain, which was cool--and we just hung around (no pictures--starting to become a theme for this post).  On Friday, we woke up, did a little swimming, and then drove down to Callaway.  There was a huge storm that evening--I got soaked just going from the hotel room to the car.  I was nice enough to pull the car up onto a covered walkway to prevent Ashley and Bode from the same fate.  We had forgotten what warm rain feels like.  Whenever it rains in Colorado, it's rather cold, and usually some hail.  Here, it was a bit steamy, like after taking a hot shower.  My Dad and his wife, Miss Janet, drove down from South Carolina, and we had a wonderful seafood dinner (last time of no pics, promise).  Saturday, we woke up and did some golf.  Bode took over as the camera operator, so we have lots (and lots) of pictures.  First, a shot of my me on the practice green. Note the not-so-perfect form.
Next we have Ashley sinking a few putts.
I managed to steal the camera from Bode for a quick second to take a picture with Bode and his Grandpa, who turned 70 the day of this outing.
Bode then took control of the camera and took a picture of Dad and me...
and then Ashley and me.
The golf was great--we could all have played a little better, but I did finish with a birdie on 18, which ensured we would be back the next day.  Saturday night we all went to dinner for a wonderful birthday meal (I guess we all forgot to sing, which I guess isn't a bad thing considering only Bode seems to show any musical talent in our family).  After dinner, we went to the fireworks (which didn't show up well on camera).  A couple people also got some ice-cream--Bode is eating the smallest portion size they had.
Sunday was a beautiful day, which meant more golf.  Janet was nice enough to take Bode for the morning (he got a little bored taking pictures, although we did let him drive the cart).  The weather could not have been nicer.  Here's an action shot of Ashley.
Such perfect form :-)  I also took a sequence of Dad.
And I took a movie of Ashley, who ended up having a wonderful drive.
I took another movie of Ashley, but, uh, err, the video quality wasn't quite as good (nor was the shot :-)  Today is another lovely day.  Bode spent the morning learning some trapeze tricks, and now wants to go swim in the lake.  I, of course, will oblige him.

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