Sunday, July 16, 2017

Callaway #3

As with previous trips to Callaway, the Florida State high-flying circus was on hand to teach the kids and adults some tricks.  Ashley and I both tried our hand on the high-trapeze bar.  Here's Ashley heading up to the platform.
And here she is doing the trick-series.  We were supposed to swing, pull our legs over, let go with our hands, reestablish a grip, and then dismount with a back flip.  Ashley nails it.
I did the same series, but sadly, the cameraman (Bode) must have fallen asleep and didn't document the entire (and beautiful) performance.
JoAnne and Frank came up for a visit, and we all ended up staying in the same cabin, which was very nice.  Here's Bode with Nana and Papa on the screened-in porch.
On Wednesday, the grandparents were nice enough to take us out to dinner and the country store.  It was a wonderful southern meal, and we all ate too much.
Afterwards, I took Bode's picture on the scenic overlook.
It was a very relaxing day--we also swam in the lake, which Bode loved to do, but we didn't bring the camera.  In fact, I don't think I have any lake-pictures, so you'll just have to trust me on this :-)

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