Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ski Weekend

We spent the past weekend up in Breckenridge.  The snow season has been strange.  The mountains had seven feet of snow before Thanksgiving.  However, they have received very little since then.  The conditions were decent--nothing spectacular, as there were some brown spots, and Ashley's favorite part of the mountain (Peak 10) was not open.  But we still had a great time.  Bode went to ski school (pictures of that at the end of this post).  We dropped him off around 0830 and headed over to the lifts.  It wasn't cold, but it was overcast.  Still, it was very beautiful.
Ashley and I didn't want to be around the crowds (which was silly, because it wasn't very crowded) so we headed over to Peak 8 and up to the top of the mountain.  Here's a nice shot of Ashley.
We also stopped for an Epic picture, which is basically when the Breck photographers take your picture and link it to your pass.  We'll try to take as many pictures as possible over the coming ski season.
We rode up T-bar and then over to the Imperial Lift, which we did several times.  Neither of us is in good ski shape.  One of the neat thing about our ski passes is sensors throughout the mountain will track where you go.  Thus, at the end of the day, we can see how much we skied.  Ashley and I did over 10,000 vertical feet before noon, and then we decided to get some lunch and take a break--no sense getting hurt on the first day :-)  We were able to track Bode's skiing via Ashley's phone.  Little Dude skied over 9,000 vertical feet, and he rode up the Quick Silver lift 14 times.  We were supposed to pick him up at 3:30, so we headed over early to try to see him coming down the mountain.  Here are some pictures and movies.
This part of the mountain isn't steep, so Bode wasn't going very fast.  However, I did get this movie of him at the very end practicing on a bump (aka a mogul).
He looks amazingly stable on skis.  I'm sure we'll continue to do ski-school as often as possible and as long as its financially feasible :-)  Finally, here's a nice picture of Bode all geared up.
Whenever we go skiing, we always wonder why we don't move to Breckenridge permanently.  Who knows--maybe we'll do so in the not-so-distant future :-)  Pleasant day to all.

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