Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Dinner

The Thanksgiving Turkey was such a hit, Ashley decided to cook another bird for Christmas.  We also bought a ham, so we had plenty of meat.  Christmas morning, we realized we had forgotten to get potatoes and any type of salad.  Fortunately, Dave came to the rescue, bringing a salad and spuds down from Denver.  The meal was exquisite, something out of Dickens novel (although I will refrain from that particular lexicon, per Ashley's direction).  My Mom even managed to make it in time for food, so it was a wonderful Christmas meal.  Here's a group shot--not really posed, so people's expression are hit-and-miss.
The meal finished, we started the process of digestion.  We spent the rest of the day watching Bode play his various Xbox games and just spending some good quality family time.  On the day after Christmas, Dave returned but also had Teddy and Charlie with him.  Bode was thrilled, especially when he learned Teddy and Charlie would be spending not one but two nights with us.  Oh glorious day.  We had another fine meal (reheated leftovers, but sometimes the reheated meal is better than the first go around).  The boys...and dogs enjoyed it.
For those of you that have met Harley and Joey, realize the dogs can sit still provided the proper motivation.  I'm holding a big piece of ham in each hand if you can't tell...
We then had another round of gift-openings (that's three for those of you keeping track).
The boys spent the night playing together--video games, Hot Wheels, and whatever else boys do.  Today, we all went swimming, had some lunch, and now the boys are again in the basement doing something on the Xbox.  Bode has charged me with getting a subscription with Xbox Live so he can play Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare.  I told him I'd look into it, but he might have to use some of his Christmas money if it's a monthly fee.  This puzzled him for a moment.  I'll let you know how things work out :-)  Finally, here's a shot of Ashley wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
She's close to "cracking" a smile :-)  Happy Weekend to all.

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