Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last Post of 2014

Per last year, I will finish with Bode's school picture and some other photos.
Another banner year in the McGuirk household.  Bode is now in first-grade and doing great.  He did cross-country, flag football and gymnastics, continues to do swimming and ice skating, and recently started piano.  We couldn't be more proud of our little dude.  He also started to lose his teeth.  I think we are up to five visits from the tooth fairy, with the most recent losses being his two front ones.  We avoided a Christmas catastrophe because Bode's one tooth was really loose on Christmas Eve.  We thought we were going to have a visit from both Santa and the Fairy on the same night, and we were unsure if these two folks get along (what if they had a troubled past, perhaps they once dated, or something like that).  Fortunately, the tooth stayed in for the duration of Christmas Eve.  However, as we were eating our Christmas breakfast, Bode bit into his waffle and out pops his tooth.  Problem solved, but now, eating has become an issue--no biting power.  I think one of the teeth is already coming in, so he'll be back to ripping into apples in no time. 
Ashley had a great year despite the disappointing season of the Auburn Tigers.  And she's even starting to realize the quality of her year should not really depend on the wins and losses of a some football team (a running argument in the McGuirk home during 2014).  We, of course, will continue to be fans with the hope that someday, the weekend won't be ruined if Auburn should happen to lose :-)  Here's a great picture of my beautiful "French" wife.  Not bad for 44.
2014 also saw the addition of Joey, a wonderful Boxer who joined our family back in March.  We think he's become comfortable in the house, but it's really hard to tell...
And what's a year-end review without Harley.  She'll be four in a couple months, but she still acts like a puppy whenever someone comes to our house (much to our disappointment).  But her affection is heart-warming, as she gives Ashley some huge "happy whines" whenever she returns from a business trip (or, quite frankly, whenever she comes home from work).  Such a nice way to be welcomed home.
I had another great year--how could I not with the above folks in my life.  I'm still teaching at USAFA--this January will mark my 15th semester teaching (including summer sessions).  June will mark my 20-year point in the Air Force.  I guess this means the McGuirk Family will have to make some life-decisions in 2015, so stay tuned.  Pleasant New Year's to everyone and Happy 2015!

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