Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Soladas

A lot going on in Colorado Springs...sort of.  We've had some cold spells, which means the deer can be more prevalent in our neighborhood.  There was quite a herd in front of our house one morning before school started.
Ron and Nancy Solada were visiting this weekend.  They were on their way to California and decided to stop in.  They've known Bode since the day he was born and are quite fond of him.  They have three children, all in the mid-to-late 20's (Chris might be 30?), but none are married so they have no grandkids.  Bode filled that role for them this weekend.  We had wonderful weather, and Saturday morning, we headed out to the football field for Bode's game.  Note the beautiful blue sky.
Before the game, the team (called The Incredible Ninjas) ran through some drills.  Here's Bode going through the cones.
There were other drills, but the real action happened come game time.  When the whistle blew, the team took the field.
The other team--The Black Widows--struck first, and then got the two-point conversion.  We scored, but failed in the conversion, and were down 8-6.  We then had a pick-six (strange this league allows interceptions), to go up 14-8, and then we scored again, final score 20-6.  Bode had some great defensive plays, and a few good offensive ones.  Here's a two-shot action sequence.  We thought he was going to get the corner and go all the way, but the other little dude snagged his flag at the last second.
After the game, we went to Waffle House for a wonderful lunch.  Then, some football on TV while waiting for Bode's swim lesson.  I didn't take any pictures there (it's pretty much what you've seen before), and afterwards, we grabbed a pizza and headed home.  We had a lovely evening, sitting around the family room, talking and playing with Bode.  I would call the following "action" shots, but in reality, they are "inaction" pictures.
Like all weekends, this one ended, and Ron and Nancy headed off to California.  I don't think I did anything productive today.  Lots of sitting around, and when I got tired, I took a quick nap.  Very lazy, but sometimes, we need those types of days.  Tonight, we hope to watch the Steelers get a good win!  Pleasant week to all.

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