Friday, September 12, 2014

Bode Playing Football

The little Dickens experiment is over.  I'm well aware pictures mean a lot more than just words (ask Ray Rice about that).  This post will feature a lot of photos, all of Bode.  Earlier this summer, Bode started asking about playing football.  If he asks about a specific activity more than once and on separate days without any provocation from us, we think he must really want to do it.  Hence, he's playing football.

Everything takes place on Saturday.  There is an hour practice and then an hour-long game.  Here are some shots doing drills.  Bode is number 20.
The games are five-on-five.  There aren't any forward passes.  There is no rule against them, but at this age, they don't have the skill necessary to complete a pass.  This doesn't mean they can't catch.  Rather, the timing necessary to throw a ball to a running teammate while both passer and receiver are being chased is too precise for their skill level (at least on Bode's team).

Here are some cool action shots courtesy of Ashley.  In this first sequence, Bode was given the ball and he's running.  Unfortunately, someone gets his flag.
In this next sequence, Bode makes it all the way to the end-zone and scores--note the referee with his hands signaling a touch-down!
 Below is our favorite picture.
The photographs aside, Bode's favorite part of the game is defense.  He's a little tiger going after the flags.  The only thing he needs to work on is committing too early.  He'll run as hard as he can at the person with the ball; if he misses, he doesn't have the speed (yet) to run them down.  He has another game tomorrow.  There's no Auburn game, so Bode will have to be our weekend football fix!  Pleasant day to all.

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