Friday, November 22, 2013

The Georgia Game

I can't believe the Auburn-Georgia game was almost one week ago.  Seems like only hours ago Ricardo Louis was catching that deflected pass and scoring the go-ahead TD for the mighty Auburn Tigers. Some call it luck...which it was.  But I think Auburn deserved to win the game.  They dominated the first three quarters.  They simply fell asleep in the fourth. Perhaps they were busy booking their Iron Bowl Tickets.  We were up in Denver during the game.  For the first half, we were at a bar with the Denver Area Auburn Fan Club (aka people just as weird as Ashley).  We were there with Dave (Ashley's brother) and met up with a long-time friend from Fort Walton, Nathan.  Here are some pictures.
It is hard to tell the amount of Auburn fanatics that were in the bar, but do note everyone in the background has on an orange shirt, and no, it's not Bronco-orange.  During the game, Dave was kind enough to have arranged a sitter for the boys.  We received a picture of them, crawling around in the dirt.
At halftime, we went and met up with a friend from my Papillion days, Kristine Wolfe (I knew her when she was Sharp).  She came with us to Dave's house to watch the end of the game.  I felt sorry for her--I thought we'd be watching the end of a blowout.  She was able to see first hand both the bad side of Ashley during a loss, and the elated side after an amazing win.  We should have filmed the reaction of that last play, but I think there are enough videos on the internet covering the emotion of the moment.  After the game, we went to dinner and had a lovely time. We posed for this picture in downtown Denver.

It is bitterly cold here.  Yesterday's high was 20, if that.  Tomorrow it might be 30.  I guess winter is here.  Of course, in Colorado, it can be freezing one day and beautiful the next, so I won't complain. Pleasant weekend to all.

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