Friday, November 29, 2013

T-Giving: Epilogue

Another trip to Disney in the books.  I really like going there, but if I had to choose, I would go in March.  There were some large crowds this past week.  In fact, the Soaring ride had a 140-minute wait for Stand-By folks.  As Dave said, there is absolutely nothing that would make that 140-minute worthwhile (unless you got to meet Gus Malzahn).  It was also nice to see everyone, especially the kids and the joy they got from all things Disney.

Unfortunately, I don't think I enjoyed the vacation as much as I could have, and it is entirely my fault.  In hindsight, I should have noticed this sooner, but on day two of the vacation, we noticed Bode constantly holding his weenis (a portmanteau of penis and wee-wee in case you don't get it).  In his words, he was uncomfortable down there.  In fact, during the Jedi Training, one of the instructors pulled him out because they thought he needed to use the bathroom (which is exactly what it looked like).  We knew something was wrong, and like any parent, I worry, and I can't have a lot of fun when my little dude is uncomfortable and in pain.  I blame myself for not paying enough attention because Bode had this condition even before we sent to Disney (he was grabbing himself a lot).  I thought he simply had to go.  My bad on that one; I promise I'll do better in the future.  While in Florida, we talked to the one of our nurses.  They didn't think it was an emergency situation, which assuaged our fears (somewhat).  Still, my worry-gland was in high-gear the rest of the vacation, and to those that I might have been a little short with, I apologize.  Fortunately, there is a (somewhat) happy ending, as we got home today, and went to the pediatrician.  I won't go into details, but the problem was similar to what Bode had before, and the doc was able to put things right.  Bode is a little sore and tender, but he was such a brave kid while on the table during what had to have been a very painful few seconds.  Still, no little boy should have to go through that twice.  Bad parent.  Baaaaad parent.
My bad, little guy.  I'll do better in the future.  Love, Daddy.

T-Giving: Days 4 and 5

On Wednesday, we slept in until past 9.  Lazy, but we needed the break (that pitiful theme again).  We had a nice breakfast, and took the bus to Downtown Disney.  We walked around, saw the sights, and relaxed.  Bode liked the big volcano and alligator.
He also liked playing in the fountain.
We, of course, had to stop at lego-land.
We shopped around, got some Christmas ornaments, and enjoyed the weather.  That night was Ashley's birthday over at the Polynesian Resort.  We had a great meal and some good family time.
The plan was to turn in early, as the Magic Kingdom opened at 0700 on Thanksgiving (which was also Bode's 6th Birthday).  We had fast passes lined up and we were set...until Bode got sick around 11:30 pm in the hotel room (no pictures of that event).  Poor little fellow.  We think he had a little food poisoning.  Well, that, and the long days, and all the other junk food we ate.  It probably caught up to him.  Therefore, we turned off the alarm, let the dude sleep until he felt like going to the Magic Kingdom. He did get out of bed for his birthday message from Mickey.
The weather was decent--very sunny, but cold.  Temps were in the low 40's that morning.
We rode some benign rides like Aladdin's Magic Carpet (which was a lot like the Dumbo ride)...
and drove some super fast race cars (a little slower than the one at EPCOT).
We watched one of the stage shows, which featured the evil witch (or one of those bad ladies).
We had a nice Thanksgiving Meal with the family
but at some point, Bode tuckered out.
We decided to call it a day and headed back to the room.  Bode napped for the rest of the day, getting up on occasion to snack on some carrots and apples.  We also watched some football in bed, which was a nice way to finish the vacation.  We had a lovely time, but are also happy to be home because, as Bode says, "Harley really missed us." Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

T-Giving: Day 3

EPCOT.  Not your most exciting place for kids, but we had a good time.  As usual, we rode the monorail, which Bode loved.
We arrived early and headed over to the Test Track.  This is a really cool ride, which is also sponsored by Chevy.  Note the nice Vette we passed while in line.
The test track is probably the best ride at EPCOT.  I took the following movie towards the end.  It's dark until the one minute point, and then the car is outside doing a circle at tremendous speed.
After the test track, we went and met a bunch of characters to include Mickey (a mute this time),
and Goofy.
We also got a family shot with Chip and Dale (again, which one is which?)
We then tried to meet up with Teddy and Charlie.  We did the Seas ride and saw Crush the Turtle (really cool).  Some rode Soaring, which is a very fun ride.  Eventually, we worked our way over to Italy and had lunch.  For dessert, Bode and Teddy shared a chocolate sundae, with most of it getting on their faces.
We tried to get a picture of the cousins, but getting three kids to stand still in any theme park is next to impossible.  EPCOT has tried to make the tour of nations a little more kid-friendly.  One way to do this is to give kids communicators that talk with that monogram guy from Phineas and Ferb.  They go on this little interactive mission, which was actually pretty cool (although it got a little long towards the end).
We did some other things in EPCOT, but it was a tame day.  On our way out, we ran into Pluto.
We planned on taking things easy on Tuesday and then Wednesday was going to be a down-day for Ashley, Bode, and me (the others went to Animal Kingdom).  Turns out, we were right to have the rest day :-)  Tomorrow:  Downtown Disney.

T-Giving: Day 2

On Day 2 of our Disney vacation, we went to Hollywood Studios.  The weather was a bit chilly, but we persevered.  Disney really decorates for the holidays, although I don't think the tree was a real one.
The first thing we did was sprint to the Jedi Training sign-up area.  It was packed.  We had hoped to sign up both Teddy and Bode.  Unfortunately, the below sign prevented us from signing up Teddy, as he was a little late getting to the park :-( I think the Empire had put up road-blocks to make Teddy's trip to the Studios a little longer than he thought it would be.
They really enforced the rule requiring all participants to be present during registration.  I guess this prevents someone from registering 20+ kids and taking up an entire class.  Anyway, we signed Bode up and then rode the Star Wars ride. Afterwards, we headed over to the car lot.  There weren't many people at this part of the park (they were all at Jedi Academy or at the Toy Story ride).  Bode was being silly, not letting me take his picture.
There was a stunt-car show at 11 am.  We decided to wait in the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" play area, which Bode loved.
The car show was a-maz-ing.  Completely awesome.  It was mind-blowing how well they could drive without crashing into each other.  Perhaps I'm overly impressed by this type of stuff, seeing that I can't parallel park, but it really was something to see.  I have some pictures, but they don't really do it justice.
During one of the set-changeovers, they had a real-life version of Lightening McQueen show up.  That was pretty cool.
I did get a movie of the final car chase.  Very exciting, and we could feel the heat from the explosion.
After the car show, it was time for lunch.  We headed over to the Hollywood and Vine restaurant for a buffet and some character interaction.  We got to meet June from Little Einsteins,
Handy Manny (or as Jason called him, Bob the Builder),
Jake the Pirate,
and Special Agent Oso.
After lunch, it was time for Jedi Training.  I don't think Bode did as well this time around, but he said he enjoyed it.
After Jedi, we headed over to meet up with Teddy.  We ran into Stitch along the way.  While they were posing, Stitch let out a big burp and blamed it on Bode.
We finished the day watching the Indiana Jones spectacular.  I like that show, even though I have seen it a number of times.  Back at the hotel, Bode begged me to go swimming.  The weather wasn't all that great, but I did promise him we would go.  Fortunately, there was a hot-tub.  Bode discovered his swim-shirt will inflate, much like a balloon.  The kid looked like Mr. Incredible.
Much like yesterday, we were wiped out at the end of the day.
We had intended to watch the fireworks again, but I don't think any of us made it past 9 pm.  We are sad.  Tomorrow:  EPCOT.

T-Giving: Day 1

Our first day in Disney was a trip to the Magic Kingdom.  The park was opening one hour early (0800 instead of 0900).  We were up at the crack of dawn, on the first operational monorail, and at the park before the gates opened.  Note the absence of any crowd.
We had to do some administrative tasks at the guest relations window.  We quickly took care of these and were on our way (To those of you that were there:  I realize I have greatly simplified the events of that morning; I felt no reason to document them here.  Let's simply be happy we all got to the park and made it inside :-)  Ashley's Mom (JoAnne) and my Mom were with us at the Magic Kingdom (as were Bode and Teddy).  We grabbed a quick photo on main street.  Bode was acting like a goof.
We also grabbed a good picture of Ashley and me in front of the castle.  I've no idea why I have my chest all puffed out...
We then went and did the Dumbo ride and stopped in for a visit with Ariel.  Obviously Teddy needs to sit a little closer to the pretty girl, err, mermaid.
We then went on the Little Mermaid's ride and stopped to look at the monument to Gaston.  I think the boys got as much joy from that fountain as they did the rides.
We did a few more little rides like the carousel and then we had to do It's a Small World, just to hear that catchy tune.  I have a movie of us riding, but I don't want to torture the audience by making them hear that song the rest of the night.  We then did the Haunted Mansion, stopped for a popcorn break, and then the boys met Chip and Dale (I don't know which one is which--they all look the same to me).
Next up was a trip down splash mountain.  Note Ashley is nice and dry in the below picture.
Bode must have remembered this ride, because he decided to put his hood up.
All of us got a little wet...except Ashley who somehow got soaked.
Woody and Jessie were stationed just outside of Splash Mountain, so the boys got to meet the cast from Toy Story.
We then did Thunder Mountain, the railroad roller coaster.  Lots of fun.  Teddy and I sat up front...
and I was able to get the following shots of Ashley and Bode during the ride.
We toured around the park and watched a parade (seems like there was something going on around Main Street or the Castle every hour).  I think I heard the song on the following video over a thousand times (I'm not exaggerating either).
Lunch was a buffet with a table visit from four different cast members.  We got to meet Winnie the Pooh,
and Eeyore.
We did a few more rides after lunch.  Our plan was to come back that night and watch the parade of lights.  Bode needed a nap in between.
We went back to the park that night.  Night pictures never show up well, but here is the best one I got.  Note the Castle looked amazing.  We intend to do our house just like it.
We also got to meet Mickey Mouse, and this Mickey even talked to us!  How cool is that?!?
Afterwards, Ashley and I wondered if this Mickey was really talking, or if he simply had some recorded phrases.  We thought it might be the former...until we saw the talking Mickey a few days later.  Same routine :-(  The second time around, Mickey again asked Bode if he had ever flown like Peter Pan.  Bode said something like, "Yeah, last time I was here." This didn't phase Mickey (the recording) and they went through the same routine.  Bode seemed a little confused--I could see his little brain piecing things together, but the good news is, he still believes in the magic of Mickey :-)  We left the park before the fireworks, but watched them from boat dock outside our hotel.
The video does not do the show justice, as the Castle does not show up near as well as it actually was.  We had a magical first day.  Tomorrow:  Hollywood Studios.