Saturday, April 5, 2008

Same Ol Same Ol

This post may be short because Bode is at the end of a nap cycle; once he wakes up, it's time for a change, a feed, and then some needed work on his belly aka tummy time. He still hasn't rolled over, something I blame on the inferior Rankin genes that have no doubt corrupted his genome. Maybe in a few years advances in gene therapy will create a process where we will be able to identify these weak genes and replace them with the McGuirk line. Until then, Bode will just have to learn to adapt to these less-than-ideal abilities.

Random health tip: Drink water. Lots of water. You've probably heard this before. The honest truth is there are NO studies that show drinking lots of water is actually good for you. However, it is better than drinking a 64 oz Coke from the Quick Shop or a Double Mocha Latte from Starbucks. Substitute water for all your beverages (a glass of milk or sugar free juice is still ok) for one week, and you'll be surprised how much better you feel. And don't whine and say you need your coffee to wake up. If you are properly hydrated, you don't need the caffeine. Of course, if you've been drinking coffee every morning for years, you'll likely get a bad headache because you're addicted. It takes about a week to get rid of this withdrawal symptom, but it is worth it in the long run. Ok, sorry about the soapbox...I know you come to this website for more important things, like to hear me discuss the positives of the Libertarian party. To begin...what? You really only care about the Bode-man update? Fine. I'm off the box.

Nothing happened this week. Well, maybe I should correct that statement and say nothing of note happened this week. There were lots of little things that really only parents find interesting--Bode laughed a cute little giggle, he made some vocal sounds we'd never heard, and one night he ate five whole spoonfuls of rice cereal. Like I said, it's nothing to call CNN about, but these events certainly bring joy to us.

The little guy has become quite the little pig when he eats. He's taken on some of Auburn's personality in that he fiercely guards his food. When eating from a bottle, he likes to hold on with his little hands ("My Bottle," says Bode), and if you take it away before he's done, he let's you have it with both lungs.
The weather did warm up in Dayton this week. In fact, I was able to run outside twice. Once was for the USAF annual physical fitness test (I passed--that 1.5 mile run is a doosy), and the second time was for a 5K race on base. No, I did not win, although I did come in first in the category of males born on 1 June 1973. Today, the weather continued to be somewhat pleasant (nice really isn't the right word just yet; maybe next week), so we loaded the dude into his riding machine and went for a walk. Bode really didn't take advantage of the new scenery provided by the outdoors, as he promptly fell asleep as soon as the chair started moving. I'm not sure how he's able to sleep with his arms up, but it's something he's done ever since he was born.

This week, we have Bode's four-month checkup. He'll get some shots, get weighed, measured, and hopefully be given a clean bill of health. We bought some more Dr. Seuss to read to him, and our neighbors gave us two bags full of children's books. Right now, we could probably read the phone book to him and he wouldn't know the difference. We think he just likes the sound of our voices. But, as many parents have found out before us, you don't really get new books/toys for your child; you are getting them so you don't have to hear/play with the same things over and over again.
Pleasant day to all, and enjoy doing your taxes (if only there was a flat tax...)

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