Saturday, March 29, 2008

Solid Food

Happy Saturday to everyone. Hopefully you are able to get outside and enjoy the onset of spring. Unfortunately, if you live in Dayton, you are stuck inside. There are some here that think today is a beautiful day. I would agree that it does look beautiful outside. The sun is shining, no clouds, and I even saw a beautiful red bird sitting on a tree. I'm not an ornithologist, but I think it was a robin. Of course, I think all birds are either robins, falcons, pigeons, or crows, so I'm probably not correct. Anyways, it was a pretty bird and I enjoyed watching it...from inside the house. There is this biting, cold wind that blows every now and then that makes being outdoors in spring attire intolerable. Thus, we've spent the day indoors.

This morning we tried giving Bode some rice cereal. He doesn't quite have the intricacies of the spoon solved, so we resorted to using a little food syringe to put small amounts in his mouth. He ate some of it; the rest was refused and ended up on his face and bib. Still, we believe his first attempt at solid food was successful. After our morning meal, we went to the gym and took a spin class. Bode hung out in the nursery; I think he slept most of the time. Lazy boy certainly isn't getting the most out of his gym membership. We came home, fed the little dude again (liquids only), and then treated ourselves to lunch at Milanos (a sandwich place). We have since come home, thrown some laundry in the machine, and Ashley is feeding Bode for the third time today. Tonight, we might try the rice cereal again and then watch the big basketball game. Ashley is leading her NCAA office pool; I'm in second, which, as Ashley has pointed out, means I'm in last place in this household.

We took a lot of pictures this week. First, we have Bode and Mommy working on his sitting up skills.He seems to enjoy doing these modified sit-ups; he'll soon replace his keg belly with a six pack of abs. Next we have some tummy time. He's really able to hold his head up, and he's twice rolled from his tummy to his back. He's yet to go from back to tummy, but it'll happen soon enough.

Next, we took a couple portraits of Daddy and the kids. First, a picture of me with the two oldest.
Finally, we have Daddy and the dude. He's pretty cute, although, ladies, he is married (I bet you thought I was talking about Bode, huh?)Bode is now four months old. He no longer is swaddled at night when he sleeps, and he's reading at a third grade level (ok, I made that last one up). I can't imagine what he'll be like four months from now.

Pleasant day to all.

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