Monday, March 24, 2008

It's Spring!!!

I apologize for not posting this past weekend. Saturday, my mind was a whirl with chocolate anticipation while yesterday, I was in some sort of post chocolate state of bliss. Someone ought to notify the medical journals that consuming more than three bags of Hershey's morsels leaves a person babbling incoherently for a couple hours. Who would have thought...

We had a nice Easter. Bode managed to make it through church without making a peep. Why is it so cute when Bode nods off in church, but if I fall asleep, I get grouped into the same category as Judas...

We didn't take many pictures this week, probably because the batteries died in the camera, and I got new ones only yesterday. Thus, you're stuck with the following shots. The first is a poor image of the entire family (minus Daddy).
Ashley has been working on Bode's "rolling over" ability. He still doesn't do it, but we expect it'll happen soon. The kid is really growing. When we first brought him home, we were amazed how little his head was in the car-seat. There wasn't enough support and his head flopped around like a bobble-head doll's. Not so anymore, as the below picture shows.
Just after I snapped this shot, Bode spit up. He was just sitting there and then blaah. Right after spitting up, he was fine, like nothing had happened. Which got me to wondering: At what age does throwing up/spitting up become a traumatic event. Ashley and I have noticed Bode can be happy as can be, and then without any warning, shoot milk all over himself. But he doesn't seem any different afterwards; in fact, he usually smiles; no bad taste in his mouth, no queasy feeling, no nothing. Even a bad post-meal burp sends me running for the Scope, and I think we all know hugging porcelain does not leave any of us smiling. Alas, even when vomiting, babies are cute.

We bought Bode some new books this week: One Fish Two Fish and Fox in Socks, both by Dr. Seuss. I must have been thinking about these wonderful works of rhyme while running today, because I came up with the following. It certainly isn't Seuss worthy, and I have a much better appreciation for the good doctor abilities. I figured I needed something to take up space due to the lack of pictures.

Bode's buddy Bobby bought some bubbling blue brew.

Bobby brought the blue brew
to the Balabazoo Bode threw
in honor of Sue's new hair do.

Bode and Lou saw the bubbling brew
and quickly knew
it really was a gooey glue.

Bode knew Sue liked blue brew,
not gooey glue so he threw the blue glue brew
into the stew made by Lou.

Lou's new stew was now blue and goo,
and blue goo stew
is bad for you.

Lou knew Sue liked Stew
so he hid the blue goo brew
from Sue who had arrived at the Balabazoo.

Sue asked Lou if he knew of the blue brew.
Lou knew what was true but said not a clue.
Sue was now blue; how she had wanted bubbling blue brew.
She then said, "Instead, how about some stew?"

Bode, Bobby, and Lou told Sue the stew was glue.
"Who brings glue stew to a Balabazoo?"
Bode said Bobby had brought the blue brew
not knowing the brew was gooey glue and the gooey glue
had been thrown into the stew.
The Balabazoo for Sue was a complete what-to-do,
"We're sorry the Balabazoo has been such a zoo."

Sue's anger grew and she told the crew,
"I know a cockadoo that could plan a Balabazoo
better than you."

So the crew took the glue stew
and dumped it on Sue,

ruining her once new hair do.

Sue went away blue and the boys then knew
there would never be a Balabazoo

like the one for Sue's new hair do.

Hopefully you enjoyed that. And I promise more pictures next time. Maybe we'll even get some outdoor shots, because spring is here, the snow is gone, and the temperatures are in the....40's? P.U! I need some blue brew :-)

Pleasant evening to all.

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