Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life Lesson

Some might argue with our priorities. Some might suggest there are more important things for a baby to learn--recognizing parents, first words, turning over, etc. Not us. Check out what Bode learned...he's on his way to being a remote control hog. We can only pray he doesn't change the channel during an Auburn game (if he ever did, Ashley would probably disown him!)In this next shot, you can really see Bode's unique hairline. Note the absence of hair on the right side as if there was a very serious cowlick. Evidently, he is his father's son.
Many of you have asked how the old novel is going. Well, simply put, it's going great. Just don't ask me to define great, ok? :-) Stephen King says, "Read four hours a day and write four hours a day. If you cannot find the time for that, you can't expect to become a good writer." I wake up at 6 am (Ashley: No he does not; I get up at 5:45; his lazy ass is in bed until 6:30), get to work by 8, come home at 4:30 (Ashley: He goes to the gym for 90 minutes and sometimes is home before 4), play with Bode (Ashley: Except if his diaper needs changed). It's tough to find a spare 8 hours in a 24-hour day. I suppose I could give up sleeping. Yet I have a better solution. There are 1,200+ billionaires in the world (see the article in today's USA Today). I plan on writing each of them and asking for $100,000, a mere 0.01% of their fortunes. I figure if I get enough responses, I can give up my day job. These billionaires have plenty of money to spare. My asking them for $100k is like someone asking me for ~$7.00. Of course, if a stranger asks me for $7.00, I'm not giving them a dime, so perhaps I need to rethink this plan? If only Ashley would work harder (Ashley: Listen here, buddy. If I recall, last time we applied for a mortgage, I, not you, was, and I quote, "The primary earner in the family." So button your lip.)

Big snow storm forecast for tomorrow. I am sooo looking forward to spring!

Pleasant day to you all.

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