Sunday, April 20, 2008

D*mn Kid

The past weekend was going so well. We had a great day yesterday (Saturday). Bode was in an extremely happy mood. He was smiling and laughing and making these strange bird-like sounds. He was calm and cute when we went shopping, and when we fed him (peaches), he didn't make that big of a mess. Things were just so utopian-like...until bedtime. We should have realized we were in for a long night when we put him down. Usually, he goes right to sleep. This time, five minutes after he went to bed, he was screaming. He's done this a couple times before, and it usually means we didn't get a good burp out of him. So I went into his room, burped him good, and he was, we thought, in dreamland. Come to find out, he was really in this temporary fake sleep because he cried at 12:30, 12:52, 3:20, 5:40, and then slept in to 7:10 am. Each time he cried was about a 10-minute ordeal in getting him calmed down and resting peacefully. We've no idea why he was crying either. He's continued to do this for almost 10 days now. Last night (Wednesday), he slept all the way through, so we are hoping he's starting to move out of this phase...

I must ask everyone to keep our sister-in-law, Kathy, in your thoughts. Last Monday, Kathy's father, Keith, died unexpectedly. Kathy immediately went home to Tennessee. Dave (Ashley's brother) and Teddy (their 2-year old son) were able to get fairly cheap flights to Dayton. Ashley's parents remained in Dayton and drove Dave and Teddy to Tennessee on Wednesday. It was nice to see Dave and Teddy, even under these painful circumstances. JoAnn and Frank were able to see both their grandkids together for the first time; if only the kids' fathers were better looking...
Bode got a new toy this past week. It's this little duck-chair; he's not big enough to sit on it properly, but if we put the chair on its side, it makes for a nice way to prop Bode up, as he really enjoys being able to see things other than the ceiling.
Here's a shot of Bode and Auburn; we put Bode on the bed while we are getting ready for work in the morning. Auburn is on the bed because after breakfast, she usually needs a nap. Often, Auburn is on the bed when we go to work and still there when we get home. Certainly the working dog category is a misnomer...
Bode has started rolling over regularly and he's eating real food twice a day--bananas, applesauce, prunes, sweet potatoes, and peaches have all been given the Bode stamp of approval...not that he has a very discriminating pallet. He's yet to refuse anything. Spring has definitely arrived in Ohio, with the all the flowers blooming and leaves returning to the trees. Bode loves walking (being carried) up and down our street. The neighbors are very sweet to him and he seems to enjoy the socializing.

This last picture is a cute shot of Bode with his Nana. Note the presence of the Auburn blanket. We can only assume Bode is dreaming of scoring touchdowns while wearing the orange and blue in Jordan-Hare...the year 2029 is a long ways off, but we're already starting his Heisman campaign :-)
Pleasant day to all.

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