Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Egg Nog Jog

Ashley and I ran a 5k today--the Egg Nog Jog.  Bode did not run because he is in the middle of two-a-day swim practices, and he didn't want to miss a training session. The race started early (9 am) on a bitterly cold morning (55 degrees). A number of our friends ran with us. Tim Tobik and his son, Carter, who is home from his freshman year at UCF, pried themselves out of bed after a late night last night; I would have stayed in bed, but they are more dedicated than me. It is always great to run with Tim--reminds me of a long time ago when we were both much faster and less greyer :-) Here is a nice shot of Tim, Carter, and me after the race.

The best part of the race is the free Buffalo Wild Wings that you eat AFTER racing (not before--that would be foolish). We all had a nice meal and some cake (and I think Tim and Ashley both had a few beers) while we waited for the awards to be announced. Ashley's friend, Jenna, was the overall female grandmaster winner (50+) while Ashley was first in the 50-54 female age group. She amazed herself by running a sub-28; last year, she was in the 29's so she, like a fine wine, is getting better with age :-)
Jenna is the gal in the middle; I don't know the girl on the right, but I think Ashley told me she works with Jenna and also took home some hardware in her age group.

Tim's niece, Kim, won the 35-39 age group, Tim got second in the 55-59 age group, and I also got second in the 50-54 age group. We then had to get a picture with all our medals; we did give Carter a hard time for not getting one, but to be fair, he wasn't a runner in high school, and there were some cross country kids that ran and swept up the medals in his age group.
This next picture is one I took a few weeks ago. It is almost impossible to recognize Bode when he's wearing a hat--it doesn't look anything like him.
The big fat man comes tomorrow night--we can hardly wait!!!

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