Tuesday, December 12, 2023


The Auburn Tigers men's basketball team was playing Indiana in Atlanta this past weekend, so we took the opportunity to visit David and Cathy Bledsoe while also attending the big game. We headed up on Friday and arrived after seven. Bode and I woke up early Saturday morning and found him a pool so he could do a workout (heaven forbid he miss a swim). The game was in the early afternoon, so we left around lunch time. It started off poorly for the mighty Auburn machine, as they were down 20 - 10 early in the first half. However, they quickly turned things around and dominated from that point on. We did take some time to get some pictures. First, here is Bode and me.

Next we have Ashley and David celebrating the win.
Here is a goofy one of Ashley and me.
Finally a shot of the winning scoreboard :-)
We got back on Sunday and have realized we need to do some Christmas shopping, but before we did that, we had to watch the hilarious card that Ashley got Bode for his birthday.
Happy shopping to everyone!

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