Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Happy Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas weekend. Bode had a couple days off from swim practice, so we got to hang out with him at the house much more than usual. He even went to church with us on Christmas Eve :-) We went to bed fairly early on the night before Christmas, as we wanted to give Santa plenty of time to bring in the mother load of gifts. I took this picture of our tree all lit up with the presents beneath.

We slept in until eight or so Christmas morning; even Bode was up early, but I guess when you have been getting up at 0600, an extra two hours of sleep isn't really early. We did pose for some obligatory photos. First, we have Bode, Ashley, and Barkley, while Rowdy is busy with a bone.
Next, a good photo of Bode and me.
We received some great presents--books, clothes, gadgets, some coin to spend on ourselves, and other odds and ends. We couldn't rest once the presents were opened because Ashley's family was coming over. We ordered a honey-baked ham, and Ashley also made a prime rib, which turned out great. JoAnne was nice enough to send me some pictures she took while over here. First, we have Rowdy and Jay.
Next, we have Bode with his cousin as well as Rowdy.
Here is a nice one of the Rankins.
Finally, a nice one of us before we feasted.
After we ate, I impressed JoAnne with some of my card tricks :-)
Merry (belated) Christmas to all!

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