Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Happy Christmas to All

This post is a couple days late--we are probably still recovering from the Christmas feast. We had a lovely holiday. As usual, we have a real tree that we've done our best to keep Rowdy from peeing on.

Note the long cylindrical package in front of the couch. Santa must have had a hard time getting Bode's present down the chimney (it was a 45-lb barbell); Christmas magic must come in handy. Ashley and Bode could not contain their excitement before we opened our presents.
Bode and I were a little more reserved :-)
We received tons of lovely gifts from family and friends. Ashley's parents came over for a wonderful meal of ham, prime rib, and turkey. We ate until we bulged, and then we ate some more (desserts). We relaxed and had a nice day together. The weather was very cold the past few days--in the 20's in the mornings! Fortunately, Jack Frost has been beaten back, and the temps are back in the 60's. Bode is doing two-a-days for swim practice a lot over this break, so he'll be exhausted and hungry. I guess that means I better go cook dinner. Happy Christmas (belated) to all!

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